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Why do I only get attention from


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married or attached men and more shockingly men old enough to be my father? This covers a range of nationalities.


And i don't look like a northern mushroom or dress seductively or look middle aged. In fact I'm considered reasonably attractive and look young and look reserved.


So what's the deal? and what am I doing wrong?



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Perhaps you are subconsciously looking for a father figure. What kind of relationship did you have with your father when you were young...or was he around at all?


Many older men are attracted to younger women so just get used to it.


Travel in circles with men close to your age. Attend social and entertainment functions where mostly people your age are in attendance.


If these older men are getting on your nerves, give body signals that discourage them.


Flirt and otherwise signal to men closer to your age that you are interested, when you are.

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hi fandy,


we have the same problem here i think! there's no middle ground for me though.


i've often double-checked in the mirror to make sure i didn't have "sugar daddy" scrawled across my forehead. i always get the older guys trying to make a move on me. i had a 50ish year old man offer me some italian christmas cake. i was at mcdonald's and he worked in the cafe nearby. he then told the chick i knew at macca's that he'd like to take me out. too weird..."thanks dad, but no thanks". i was once at a nightclub and a guy who was no less than a 60 year old party animal offered me his fancy watch. i didn't take it. i just didn't get it, to be honest.


if it's not someone old enough to my father or grandfather, i'm attracting bloody school boys. i now a 14 year old who has a crush on me (it's quite funny thought). the funny thing is, like you, i don't dress tarty in the slightest. i'm of average height for a female, but i look younger than i am.


maybe they think for a split second they're meeting someone famous???? i've been told by these people i look like the corrs although i can't see it (nice ego trip while is lasts but jeez, i hope they didn't mean the brother)....hmmmm, who knows. it's weird, so i can empathise with you, fandy.


i'm thinking of tatooing "25 yrs old, no sugar daddies or school boys need apply...no watches either".


whilst it's flattering at times, it can be weird and frustrating at other times.


the only thing i can think of, is that i look approachable to these people. maybe that applies to you too.


good luck in meeting mr round-your-age-group :)

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