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There is this FLASHER and....

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:sick: A FLASHER is in love with me……:sick:




Why do guys do this?? He keeps following me, telling me he loves me, how beautiful I am, and last night he actually found out where I lived and drove past a million times….


And….he actually flashed me!! Why is he doing this to me? :confused: I told him I would call the cops and he said, “I will call for you, I will gladly go to jail for 5,10,15,20 years to prove my love for you””


eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:sick: :sick:


Just thought I would share…

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He obviously has some issues. Hes getting off on flashing you and coming by your house etc. Yes call the cops, hes being a stalker and it could be dangerous. How does he know you?





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Sounds like he's obsessed with you.


Get a restraining order.


This can only end badly.


Watch the movie "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" (warning, it's in french with english subtitles. And it's still creepy.)

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Ewww,thats pretty gross. Yes , call the cops and get a restraining order . And I agree with you B_ot , this can only end badly.

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in the meantime of getting a restraining order from the court and filing it with the police department you need to do a few things to protect yourself in a smart manner.


do not follow a regular routine - he is watching and banking on your habits.


do not drive to a destination or home using the same route each time - too easily tracked. Even if it means turning somewhere that you would not normally turn, or taking a different path.


try not to leave your home and/or arrive back at the same times each day


be aware of your surroundings (this is critical right now - especially)


sign up for a self defense class, this will help to empower you and your life

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I met him one day at work, he does conract work for us so he has all of my numbers...it started innocently enough...I have known him for a month and a half....we talked here and there, but last night he really scared me because he followed me home (and was calling me on my cell gloating about it WHILE he was doing it) except I just thought he was playing with me, joking around, and we were in that jokey mood....


but something told me to hang a sharp right and lose him so I pulled off into a store parking lot thinking he didnt see me do it.....and I lost him!!!




As I was coming out of the store, there he was parked right behind me so I couldnt get out!!!! It didnt turn into a weird scene until I asked him to move....he requested a kiss for it....and I told him he better move unless he wants me to smash into his car.....he moved, naturally...


he took off down the road, and I took side streets to my house.....


I cannot understand how he found out where I lived because he called me and the next thing I knew, he was out front of my house!!!!


He still maintains that it was an accident, that he just started driving down the streets until he saw my car......highly unlikely, I dont live off of a main road....In fact, I live in a maze of sorts....but he insisted and swore that it was an accident!!


Well, he kept trying to get me to go outside, I refused, I tried to keep it light just incase he was insane, I didnt want him going off outside my house.....


but he was normal....and he and I had been having some real deep conversations....and now this.......

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try not to leave your home and/or arrive back at the same times each day


well, its too late for all that now....either he was extremely lucky and it was by accident that he found my house, or he was following me...but I never noticed anyone following me before.....so I guess it truly was an accident...but it was still strange....


I dont think he is dangerous....thats the thing though!!!! I now think he is a pervert, but I dont think he is stalking me, do you?? I mean, he sounded real sincere when he said that it was an accident that he found out where I lived....

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but he was normal....and he and I had been having some real deep conversations....and now this.......


Ok. I did my undergrad internship at a forensic mental hospital for violent male criminals.


The freaky thing about some forms of severe mental illness is that, to talk to the person briefly, you wouldn't know. Then you find out that he stabbed his mother 17 times and took her body to the beach to build sandcastles next to her corpse. (true story)

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Ok. I did my undergrad internship at a forensic mental hospital for violent male criminals.


wow!! That is impressive....then you would know what makes a man do this kind of thing, and what kind of guy he sounds like?

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Ok. I did my undergrad internship at a forensic mental hospital for violent male criminals.


The freaky thing about some forms of severe mental illness is that, to talk to the person briefly, you wouldn't know. Then you find out that he stabbed his mother 17 times and took her body to the beach to build sandcastles next to her corpse. (true story)


yikes .................

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well, its too late for all that now....either he was extremely lucky and it was by accident that he found my house, or he was following me...but I never noticed anyone following me before.....so I guess it truly was an accident...but it was still strange....


I dont think he is dangerous....thats the thing though!!!! I now think he is a pervert, but I dont think he is stalking me, do you?? I mean, he sounded real sincere when he said that it was an accident that he found out where I lived....



PLEASE don't have this naive mindset, it will not help you in the long run.


Keep your guard up at ALL times, and be smart, smarter than HIM.....

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wow!! That is impressive....then you would know what makes a man do this kind of thing, and what kind of guy he sounds like?


No. I would have to, like, talk to him.


But trust me, restraining order.

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well, here I thought I would share my story about this pervert and it turns out there is more to the story......


he kept asking what he has to do to prove his love to me, and that he will continue to do all it takes, and that he is going to kill me.....wait a minute....he did casually say he was going to kill me:laugh: :laugh:


Im kidding!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:


No, but he keeps telling me how much he loves me, and I told him he doesnt know me, he says it doesnt matter, he loves me so much, and it goes on and on and on......

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well, its too late for all that now....either he was extremely lucky and it was by accident that he found my house, or he was following me...but I never noticed anyone following me before.....so I guess it truly was an accident...but it was still strange....


I dont think he is dangerous....thats the thing though!!!! I now think he is a pervert, but I dont think he is stalking me, do you?? I mean, he sounded real sincere when he said that it was an accident that he found out where I lived....


Swettie any man that follows you around ,blocks in your car , shows up at your home without you telling him where it is and /or ever flashes his penis at you , is not "right " in the head .

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Swettie any man that follows you around ,blocks in your car , shows up at your home without you telling him where it is and /or ever flashes his penis at you , is not "right " in the head .


Well, put like that, I guess not....I am just having the hardest time with this drastic change!!! I mean, this all changed, this whole relationship changed in the space of 24 hours!! How is that possible??!!


I did mention that he was quite possibly crazy to him....he told me that he is crazy, for me.....ewwww

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Get a restraining order, now. Call the cops and get them involved before it's too late.


His behavior IS wrong and it IS being a stalker. A real life stalker. Besides, he flashed you. That's illegal.


I'm quite concerned for your safety.

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I'm serious.


Change your cell phone out too.


He may have planted a GPS thing on your car to find out where you go.


I wouldn't even treat this like it's a big jokey thing for him.


He's doing crap that you ought to report to the police.


Change the locks on your doors and check your windows of your house too.

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ABSOLUTELY take this seriously!!!! You may not have noticed him following you - that was the whole polnt. He's been hiding until now - now he knows your car, your home, and your routine. Now he knows he can get at you whenever he likes, he feels he's got the upper hand.


I would quit saying 'ewww' and start being scared. Call the police immediately.


You absolutely can NOT tell who is insane or not just by looking at them and talking to them. Serial killers like Ted Bundy were well-liked and had lots of friends. People seem to think that murderers look like loonies - it is NOT true.

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Well...today things seemed normal, and there were no weird incidents last night....or this morning...and he didnt try to contact me, or me him.


Until he called me (work related) and then he told me how serious he was about me, I told him he creeped me out, and that he is making me nervous and scared, and he said that he was sorry, he didnt know I didnt know that he was playing with me...he just wanted to see my reaction and what I would do, but that he will lay off, and kept apologizing....I was inclined to believe him because he didnt show up at my house or anywhere around it, and nothing was amiss, and usually stalkers dont stop with one incident, or so I have seen on the lifetime channel!!


PHEW!!! He had me going for a while, I was really sweating with this one! Thanks for your support!!

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Meaning pay attention to everything around you at all times...


He will wait until you least expect it! Arms full of groceries, or rushing around to get somewhere - totally distracted...


Do NOT think this is finished. Keep yourself more than aware of everything and everyone around you!!!


Do you own a dog? Sometimes helpful as they hear things we often don't! When a dog barks, it is a signal to you...

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I am hoping that me telling him that I have a friend who works in the police station will make him cool off.....but seriously, he seems like he just wanted to scare me, no other weird instances has occured since then.......


things are back to normal, other than him asking some odd off topic questions, all seems calm.


I think over the weekend, I really will talk to my friend who works at the station just to see what they think...the only problem with that is this friend always gets carried away and makes huge mountains out of molehills.......but I am still thinking I might anyway...

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meaning? :confused:


Well what this dude did was beyond your normal run of the mill "odd person behavior" -- and IMO there's no explanation he can give that would make me feel safe. Because even if he was drunk, or high, or forgot to take his meds, he could easily enter into that altered mental state again.


The one thing I know about the mentally ill is that they can fixate on anyone, for the weirdest, most random reasons that only they can discern. All you have to do is be in the wrong place at the wrong time and suddenly you have a stalker.


They always start out relatively benign, but as their desires are continuously frustrated, they can take their rage out on their victim, convincing themselves that the rejection they suffered from the object of their desire is the one who is the reason for their life's problems. That usually happens after some months of stalking, though.

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Because even if he was drunk, or high, or forgot to take his meds, he could easily enter into that altered mental state again.


You forgot crunk.


Anyway, to the OP, I think you should take the better safe than sorry approach. No one will blame you for getting a restraining order on a sicko who's flashed you.

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