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Love Sucks


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I had been dating my boyfriend on and off for 3 years and we finally became an actual couple this past year. He was my best friend and I loved him with all my heart. In July, for his birthday I was supposed to spend the whole day with him. He ended up only spending about 45 minutes at my house. My mother had baked him his favorite cake and My parents and I bought him presents. He was acting a little strange, but I figured he was tired. That was the last time I saw him for a month. Exactly 1 month later he calls me out of the blue and acts like nothing happened. All the while he was gone I tried to contact him with no luck. I was sooo worried that something had happened to him. I told him what I thought of him and asked him where he was all this time. He told me he went through a type of breakdown and could evven bare the thought of putting it on me. I am still mad at him but told him we could try to be just friends again and then maybe we could get back to where we were. Yesterday, a mutual friend of ours came up to me and told me he had contacted her. She has no clue that we were going out. She told me he said "Andrea,


I miss you.






She has a boyfriend and she told me she didn't write him back and that she hasn't heard from him since May. The thing is, he told me, when we were best friends, that if he would have ever went out with any of our friends it would be Andrea. I was so mad when I found out. You see, I wrote him yesterday that I would really want him and I to get back together. I feel like a fool. it mad me angry yesterday, but today I feel so sad. I can hardly concentrate on anything. I almsot began crying at the register today at work while helping a customer. If you know me, I never cry, ever.


What should I do? I am beginning to lose it.



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Why do you want to get together with this guy. He has shown himself to be a total jerk.


I mean this guy is the worst of the worst...and you want him to be your boyfriend. He spends hardly an hour with you and your family after you planned all kinds of nice things for him. What a scum!!! My bet is the place he spent the most time rhymes with "Andrea."


You're the one with the problem, not him. Go see a counsellor and find out why you would want to subject yourself to MORE pain and hurt after what he has already done to you.


Don't waste your time being mad. This guy isn't worth it. Break off all communication with him and go find a decent man who will treat you with the kindness and respect you deserve. Judging from what you planned for his birthday, I have a feeling you are way too nice to guys.


And love doesn't suck...but some people do...like this guy you've been seeing.

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