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intuition and cheating

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My bf's exw came over on Sunday to drop off the kids. Yelling and screaming because she wants him back and I have been with him since Sept. She came banging on our bedroom window and said to me that they slept together. Her son (18) also texted me yesterday saying that they did in Jaunuary. I know she wants him back. So she could be lying but I have this urge to believe her and her son. I dont have any proof they did sleep together but there is no proof they didnt. I just heard her yelling "I am going to tell her" over and over again and then he called the cops on her so they asked her to leave. I have this feeling that he did cheat on me. I have absolutely no reason to think that. no reason. he has never acted different around me or anything. and i never thought that he did until Sunday and then when her son said it was in January....I guess it just made it more real.


I want to believe him...but i dont know whos lying. do i go with my gut feeling? and does intuition ever lie?

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Regardless if he did or did not do you really think it is worth all the drama to get involved with a man with a X like this, and a son that would text you about his fathers sex life?


Sounds like a Springer episode in the making.

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I don't think you can or should trust his exwife or his son.



the fact the son said they slept together begs the question..

What really did happen ?.. Because something did ..

It doesn't mean he cheated on you.. but something happened to give the illusion to the son

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even if he didn't cheat I would wonder why you would want to be in a relationship with such drama.


If he has never given you reason to not trust him though I wouldn't think to much about a crazy ex,

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Well...this is my bf's stepson. his exw was married once before and my bf came into her sons life at 8 years old. I trust his stepson because we became pretty close in the year i knew him and he never tried to play me against my bf.


I guess it doesnt matter anymore....once you think youve been cheated on...everything changes. guess im moving on.

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I guess it doesnt matter anymore....once you think youve been cheated on...everything changes. guess im moving on.




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Sorry I miss read bf to read Best Friend not boy friend as I think you meant it.


Don't sweat ex's. My W's ex is still trying to contact her on myspace and "still be friends", she shined him on of coarse but bitter ex's that have not been able to go on with their lives can be a bother, but don't listen to them. And if your man is a cheater you will find out soon enough, in the mean time try to focus on problems with actual substance instead of hearsay.

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