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Did my bf just call me boring???


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last night my bf told me some information about a mutual friend Jack (not his real name). Jack told my bf his previous relationship broke down because he and his ex were not compatible. Jack is not sporty but his ex was. My bf ( who is sporty type) told me that the ex problably broke it off because he thought Jack was probably boring and lazy. I am not exactly a sporty type myself and I wonder if my bf was indirectly dissing me because his tone was not warm

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I think it would be easy to overreact to this situation. Some guys don't really think before they speak, and chances are your boyfriend was just making a comment and didn't think about how his friend's situation was similiar to yours. Do you think that your athletic differences could become a major problem in the relationship? I know that all of my boyfriends have been hardcore sports fanatics, and i couldn't name a football team if I tried. But it didn't seem to have any effect on my relationships. If you think that your boyfriend is a bit resentful of the fact you don't enjoy sport as much as him, then he has gone the wrong way about telling you. Ask him directly if it is an important issue to him, and if it is, DUMP HIS SORRY ARSE! You deserve more than someone who thinks that you are "boring and lazy" just because you have different interests.

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It's possible but you should have asked him right then and there. The next time you see him, ask him directly and to the point if that information and remark was meant to relate to you and the relationship.


I don't think it's a good policy to compare one's relationship to that of others, past or present. Either just enjoy what you have for what it is or get out of it.


If you're guy doesn't think you're sporty enough for him, he needs to move on....and you certainly don't need a guy who is that shallow.

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