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My gut tells me my boyfriend is cheating!

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[FONT=Times New Roman][sIZE=3]My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for almost three years, and I feel that he is cheating on me. I say this because of the way he’s been acting towards me – distant, not really talking to me, the one armed hugs, the kisses are even different, and when I ask him a question, it’s always “uhhhh, ummmm” as if he’s trying to think of an answer, and we haven’t been intimate in a long time. I initiate most of the contact – I go to see him, I make the phonecalls, etc. We don’t spend any time together, whenever we try to get together, he cancels because of one thing or another. Yesterday we were supposed to have lunch, but he cancelled, and he never said he would make it up to me. He does this a lot! I know for a fact that he’s been having lunch with another woman, because I’ve seen them having lunch – but he doesn’t know that I know this. He always claims that he can’t take me to lunch because he doesn’t have the funds – he must be spending it on her. I asked him why he doesn’t ask me to have lunch with him, his response to me was “you’ve got a mouth, you can call me.” I’m always the one asking him if we can have lunch together. We didn’t even spend Valentine’s Day together – I sat at home alone that night, and he never even called me. While I was standing around talking to him earlier this week, he acted as though he didn’t want to talk to me, just acting distracted. Another woman walks up to us while we are talking, and all of a sudden he perks up – as if he is sooooooooo happy to see her. They talk for a little bit, she leaves, and he’s back to how he was acting before she came along. I recently found out that he’s attended parties that I knew nothing about, and he doesn’t ask me to attend any sort of functions with him. Should I watch him a little longer or just come out and ask him if there is someone else. If I do ask him, I get the feeling that he will just lie to me, because he’s lied to me too many times in the past.[/sIZE][/FONT]

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...I get the feeling that he will just lie to me, because he’s lied to me too many times in the past.


Then why ask? Just dump his ass!

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If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck.....



After 3 years, Valentine's Day is a given.



Tell him goodbye!

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My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for almost three years. . .We didn’t even spend Valentine’s Day together – I sat at home alone that night, and he never even called me.


After that kind of treatment, why are you considering staying with him regardless of whether he's cheating or not?

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He's not so much cheating, as slowly dumping you after failing to inform you that this was his intention. It's clear to me that it's over on his side, and he doesn't have the guts or the respect to let you know. Hence, the slow torture.


I recommend accepting and accelerating the inevitable. Go NC, and start moving on.

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Why put yourself through this another minute? He's not giving you what you need. Find someone who will treat you better, make you feel better about yourself, and make you happy. Life is too short. He obviously doesn't care and is immature about how he's handling this. You don't treat someone you care about like this.

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First post cut and pasted out of word...


I..... Smell a ......


Yes, I cut and pasted out of word.......so........and?

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