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cheated on my b/f of 2 years

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iv been dating my boyfriend for 2 and a half years, im very used to sleeping at my boyfriends house and when i go home at night i cant sleep. so the next day i cant get to school because iv only had 2 hours of sleep, and my boyfriend thinks im doing it on perpouse as an exuse and just to piss him off. So he is already really mad at me, hes gone out to camp for the weekend without me and i called him today to tell him i miss him and he told me hes still mad. Last night i went out with my friends, which i havent done in years, and we went out to a shag me and my 3 good friends went back to a guy whome i grew up with's house and slept there.

well i ended up making out with him (nothing more than kissing) and sleeping in his bed. i woke up sober and heartbroken at what i had done, the guy told me he wouldnt tell anyone but i dont care anymore because i think i should tell my boyfriend what happened since hes the kind of person who would rather be told by me than find out, but he is also a very suspisous and jelouse person, hes accused me of cheating many times before, and iv only been loyal up until last night, and im devistated. i see my boyfriend every single day, he lives across the street and i feel were very close, although he seems like he hates me sometimes, and we fight alot, and at one point he told me he slept with a girl he told me hed rather be with, but i love him so damn much. so i have no idea what to do, to tell him and possibly lose something sooooooo important to me or keep it from him and risk him finding out, which could end up being worse

i already havent seen him in 3 days and i wont for another 2 because hes already mad at me and im going crazy, i dont know what to do, should i tell him right away, or wait until things cool down!?

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Well, if you're a sincere and a fair person, you'll tell your boyfriend the truth. It's always better to own up to the consequences of your actions. Think of what a disaster it could be if he finds out some other way....

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I think you should tell him...because I know I'd want to know...BUT, he does sound a bit controlling and overpowering to me...jealous boyfriends are never good.

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so, youre saying he cheated on you as well? i didnt get the whole "he told me he slept with a girl he told me he'd rather be with"


anyways, so you got in a fight, he was mad, and you make the situation better by making out with some guy? Wow, just break up with this guy, cuz he's not going to stay with you if you tell him, or you could not tell him , but that would just be trashy as hell, either way you've probably lost your boyfriend, atleast try to learn something from this experience, most guys wont get back with a girl who cheated on them unless theyre cheating themselves or they just want sex, so have fun with that.

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It sounds as though he is emotionally detaching himself from you in many ways.


Do not try to reach him, he is pushing you away. Sounds as though he's not always that nice to you either.


Find a companion that treats you with respect.

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a few other things, about the whole "should I wait until things cool down to tell him" why? wouldnt that just cause more drama? youre letting them cool down just to start things up again, just tell him.

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a few other things, about the whole "should I wait until things cool down to tell him" why? wouldnt that just cause more drama? youre letting them cool down just to start things up again, just tell him.


Letting things cool down is a protective measure, to prevent a situation from escalating and further injuring the people involved with unnecessary hateful words.


To the OP - you seem a bit overly dependent on your BF. You should be able to sleep in your own bed, and even if you get only a few hours of sleep, pull it together to make it to class. Hell, I was up crying all night about my Dad's lung cancer, I got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep and I got work on time, am keeping up rather well, AND posting on LS (how efficient, haha).


Seems like you are clinging to an unsatisfying relationship out of fear or something.

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