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How to make him see?

Just A Girl2

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Theres gotta be alot of you out there who can attract guys pretty easily. Or guys, what make you notice a girl.


Ive known this guy as a friend for about a year now. We've been doing sports and stuff together (Basketball, Snowboarding, Rugby) I just want him to see me in a different light. I dont know how to drop hints though. All my friends do it fine,they've all got dates. But I seem to be stuck on this friendship level with guys, and its not even close friendship, more like the kind of friend you go do acitivties with rather than go to a movie or party.


Anyway, Just want some advice on how to get a guy to see you in a different way.



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Well, being a young adult male, perhaps I can give my perspective here.


There isn't anything you can really do to make a guy think of you differently than he does. You can only be yourself...what people feel about that is out of your hands. Don't try to be the person you think a guy wants.


However, just because you don't perceive interest doesn't mean it isn't there. Us men can often be hesitant about making a move because we don't want to be rejected. You can try to make it more comfortable and drop a few hints. Smile at him....laugh at his stupid jokes....see if you can make casual contact during conversations. That would be like a hand drag on the shoulder or knee, or perhaps a mild grab on the arm. If you feel bold, pat him on the butt. These are the kinds of signs that I would notice. You don't have to be doting and helpless, just a bit more friendly.


And don't compare yourself to your friends or other people. People develop relationship skills at different rates. I wouldn't say that there is anything wrong with your situation. I understand it well, since I've been there quite a bit. Just don't look down on yourself for it.

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