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His Ex is calling me...

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My middle school crush and I have been dating for 3.5 years. I am having problems with him still communicating with his ex and his ex not only communicating with him but me as well. He admitted a while ago that he calls her to see how she is doing. ( I know it sounds like B.S right?) I first discovered that he was still in contact with her after a year of dealing with him. She called at 3 a.m while I spent the night at his house. I confronted him with this and he got mad at me for “assuming” things. He later told me that he still loved her but he does not want to marry her (don’t ask where the marriage part came from). He told me they broke up sophomore year of college because of the distance. They agreed to get back together once he returned home. I guess I entered the scene Junior year and ruined their plans for reunion. When we first started dating he told me that he didn’t want a relationship (I guess we wanted to remain available)….I kinda ignored it. I didn’t press the issue. I tried not to fall for him i.e. I always let him call me and initiate things. Now we are practically inseparable, he spends 99.9% of his time with me. (We don’t live together.


Last year in August (2 years of us dating) I get a call from someone claiming to be his girlfriend, she called asking me if I was sleeping with her man. It took me by storm. I didn’t really entertain her cause I was thinking how could this really be possible. She said she found my number in his cell. He told me that he let her friend use my phone and they must of gave my number to her. (I am leery about that story). I told him that he needs to tell her the deal and he claimed he wanted to be with me so I thought that was the end of it. Now a week ago I get another call from the same person telling me that she saw my number in his cell again and she wanted to know if we were together. She said that he said he was going to stop talking to me. I asked her why she keeps calling me and she said she just needs to know if we are together. Truthfully I don’t think dude has the heart to tell her what happened or I could just be a fool. He thinks I am overreacting about the entire situation. He always likes to put the blame on me. He admitted that he regretted calling her and it may have opened the door for all of this.


If he was not with me most of the time then I would probably entertain her...but I feel so violated with her calling me not once but twice. He really needs to get some balls. I ask him why is she calling me and he gonna say, "cause she don't like you and I am interested in you and not her."


I am so pissed with this situation.

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Honestly, i think you and the other girl as well are being played for fools. this is the classic example of having your cake AND eating it too. Of course he is going to feed you bulls***..such as "i let her friend use my cell" get real. i have been down that road too many times. When it comes down to it, everyone lies to cover their own ass..and some ppl never tell the truth, even when backed into a corner. Maybe it is time you have a nice talk with your significant other.

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Thanks for responding....Yeah I think that is the only way it will get solved is to have an HONEST heart to heart with him. He makes it so difficult to talk to. He says that I am making it more serious than what it really is. He just gets so irritated and mad when I bring it up. I am like just immagine how I feel.

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Honestly, I think the same thing, I know it may be hard for you to see the truth, but hes going to her and telling her things, and going to you and being real two faced. My friend was in the same position, though he loved my friend and was just moving on with the other girl. What are the chances of this girl lying? I meen It's possible, but I think its more possible for the guy to be playing you both for fools

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Sal Paradise

Drop this cheating loser.


And in the future I would suggest not dating anyone who still remains "friends" with exes.

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