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ex's older sister

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I've been talking to my ex's older sister a lot after my ex dumped me. She is really cool and I like her, but there obvious complications. Right now I'm just doing the whole "lets be friends" thing because we go to different colleges and it's not like I ever actually see her. But when summer comes, should I attempt to hang out with her?


I mean, she's probably not even interested in me, but do you think it is just a situation I should stay completely out of?

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I mean, she's probably not even interested in me, but do you think it is just a situation I should stay completely out of?


Yes, absolutely.


Even hanging out with her just as friends might cause some problems between her and your ex - if I had a sister and she hung out a lot with an ex bf of mine I would be very unconfortable.


Dating her would probably be a *really* bad idea, no matter whether she is close her sister and they get on well with each other or they cannot stand each other.

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Hey Bla now come on. You gotta know in your heart it doesn't add up to a very promising care free relationship and it adds up to more like disaster in the works.

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Just stay friends for now. It'd be complicated enough as a relationship if you dated her sister but if it was doifferent colleges LDR that'd be even harder. Maybe something will develop after college but don't hold out too much hope. Enjoy whatever friendship and good times you can get.

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i say you nail both girls in that family... moving up the family line there starting with the younger sis. who knows? you might be good enough to nail the mom one day.


Good job for you bro!

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