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whats my next move??

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Well me and this girl we have been good friends for about 4 months now, and i have feelings for her. We always talk over msn messenger and in school when we are in lessons. She smiles at me on corridors and always looks and stares at me when we are in the same room. We both give each other something no one else gives to each other. Well there had being a rumour going around that i fancied her. I denied it when she asked of course and I said to would never fancy you and i doubt i will- how dumb of me!!! :( and so she said it back to me how she doesnt fancy me and never will fancy me and started saying how i dont make her laugh and her we dont click together. she also said that i never let people fancy me because i always change when somebody gets close. And right now I dont know what to do because i like her and want to be with her but she is sending me out mixed signals!!!! what should i do now?? please help me

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And right now I dont know what to do because i like her and want to be with her but she is sending me out mixed signals!!!! what should i do now?? please help me


Ah, no, YOU sent her the wrong signal. By telling her you didnt like her, to her face, man, I am surprised she even still talks to you.


Some advice from an experienced woman, if she was not into you she wouldnt talk to you so much! If she was not into you, she would not have asked you if you liked her!


She is defensive, rightfully so because you basically rejected her! This is a crucial point. If you really want to be with her, TELL HER! Stop playing games. Tell her when she asked you, you were caught off guard, nervous, or afraid she would reject you.


If you dont want to persue her, leave it alone. You did enough damage by telling her to her face you didnt "fancy" her.

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