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Too soon to pursue?


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There is this girl Jennifer that I met when I was signing up for Cellular service about a year ago. I didn't know her or anything about her other than when we started taking about various calling plans we joked around had a good laugh and we basically clicked. We just didn't talk about business but a few personal details, but not alot. She even gave me a discount that only she can get - and I am a complete stranger at this point. I told my brother about the deal I got and he talked to her about a plan as well. Off and on my brother had problems with his plan or phone during the year and he would go see Jennifer about it, and every time she would ask about me, you know...how is he (me) doing? etc...


Well a year has passed since I have seen her, and the current relationship I was supposed to start, really never got off the ground - turns out that that girl went home with any guy who talked to her and I found that not very respectful. So I ended the encounters with that girl. About a week later I decided that I was going to ask Jennifer out or at least see if she was avalible. So I called one of her old bosses and found out that she had just seperated but he was unsure of how long ago (which was about a month and a half ago). The next day, on my lunch hour I drove strait to her work and to my suprise she was there, and she remembered my name and who I was. Seeing her made me feel so good all over because we almost pick up where we left off a year ago.


She was supprised as why I was there. I asked her if she wasn't busy, maybe we could go and get some lunch one day and she started asking me about why I came up to see her, because my brother had been basically calling her every day with a new problem about his phone and that was pissing her off. And she thought that was the reason I came to visit. I humoursly explaing to her that I had no knowledge of my brothers situations and that I sinserely wanted to ask her out for lunch. I also told her that this was a spur of the moment thing and finally convinced her of that point. She then told me about her seperation and that she was taking it slow and was seeing someone off and on but not a commitment type of relationship. she said she still wanted to have lunch and she would call me. I didn't ask her for her number but she has mine.


It has been about a week and I have heard nothing from her. There is this concert that I had planned to goto with the other girl (because I had already purchased tickets) but of course me and DAWN will not be going. Would It be too soon or the wrong move to ask Jennifer (call her at work) to go to the concert which is about 3 days from now. If not now when and how should I go about getting her to date me without pressuring her and then scaring her off with more relationship events.

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She said she would call you for lunch so leave it at that. She is now getting over a relationship and she is in an odd space. Respect that. It would be wrong to call her now and ask her to a concert three days away.


Go find a female friend or another lady to go with to the concert...go by yourself...or give the tickets away.


Usually, when a guy takes a whole year to make a move the female has long given up. So you're lucky she's even considering a friendship with you. But let her do it in her own time.


If you don't hear from her in a month, give her a call to say hello but that's all. Don't renew your lunch invitation or ask her out at all. Just see how's she's doing and that's it unless she brings up the subject of doing something together.


Enjoy the concert...with somebody else.

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