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should i go?

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i have been with my boyfriend for seven months now and when we met his ex girlfriend was 8 months pregnant with his baby! i didnt see this as a problem but as time has gone on ive started to think differently. i thought he might leave me to get back with his ex for the babys sake and so he wouldnt miss out on her growing up, he re-assured me this wouold not happen but the thought was always in my mind. he was helping his ex move house one day and i was looking after the baby when something told me to look through his ex's phone. i knew this was wrong and i regret doing it but had to for peice of mind, what i found was loads of dirty messages he had sent to her and vice versa. this really upset me and the stuff that was in them i could not believe. i was deppressed at the time he sent these messages and he said it was a mistake but do i blame him when things were so s*** at home! he said he was sorry and i walked out, we ended up in the street, in the rain crying and he asked me to give him one more chance which i have because i love him so much. his ex found out what i had done and now hates me, and i get really jealouse when he goes to see his baby incase there up to something, i just about trust him but i dont trust her at all. i would like kids of my own but he dont want any more for a couple of years, do i put my life on hold and stay in the relationship or do i leave to let him get back with his ex even though he says its me he wants and not her, he just wants to see his baby! please help me....

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Hi, Well I was in the same situation last year around this time. And honestly before you get hurt anymore, I would walk away Quickly!

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This is just the beginning.... They will always have feelings for each other because of their daughter. And do you really want someone who messes around when you are depressed or otherwise unavailable for sex??

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Sal Paradise

Get out while you still have your dignity. Don't let this piece of **** and his crazy ex destroy your life. I feel sorry for their child.

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When I met my SO he had not long split up from his ex with his 1 year old son. That was a year ago and we are still very happy together. However... the circumstances were very different, and there were none of the red flags I see in your situation.


You don't say how they ended and whom ended it? I'd be interested to know.


It seems to me though that the relationship between them isn't completely resolved or put to bed. There are clearly lingering feelings on boths sides. The text messages are 'in effect' cheating. Regardless of your mental state of mind at the time, that is not acceptable.


If it wasn't for the many other factors, you could perhaps over look the text messages and give it another go. But in your case I would have to advise that you save yourself the heartache and move on.


They are still too involved in each other, and I think you will get hurt. :(



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