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things just don't change, do they?


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i have been trying to tell my boyfriend about how i feel about his moodiness and impatient behaviours. i had him read part of a book on thyroid disorders and it states that "one may feel the spouse is to blame because she/he is more emotional and not seeing things rationally due to the illness"


i had pointed this out to him in hopes he would understand about my feelings and behaviours. well now it has backfired on me!


i again tried to explain to him just today about his moods and how they are affecting me, and now he is blaming it on my medical problem and saying that i am just being too emotional as quoted in the book!


i told him that others at his office, where i work for him part time are all saying the same thing, about him being in a baaaaaad mood!


still he believes now that it is me, i just can't win this one. i feel so crappy about things and i don't know what to do about them anymore. all i know is if he is going to continue to act the same and now blame me, or say it is my imagination or my moods then i have to get the hell outta here!


i told him that i was and have been telling him this for months now, and he don't think he has a problem, he thinks he is acting better then ever since we started counseling. what a no win situation!?

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It sounds like you have a relationship made in heaven. We've been advising you to get out of this for darn close to a year.


I think the two of you ought to get married so at least if you divorce him you could get some money out of the deal.

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It sounds like you have a relationship made in heaven. We've been advising you to get out of this for darn close to a year. I think the two of you ought to get married so at least if you divorce him you could get some money out of the deal.
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