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what is verbal abuse?


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Verbal abuse takes many forms, but shouting insults, fabricating meaningless arguments, composing retorts to everything that is said, tearing down another person's every word or behavior, making continuous demeaning comments, constantly asking personal questions about another's whereabouts and details of activities, etc....those are some of the worst.


If you are being verbally abused and don't know it, you are in major trouble and in urgent need of psychological intervention.

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Examples from my ex:


"You're too fat"


"Everything you do is wrong"


"You're ugly"


"You're stupid"


It's anything that is said in an attempt to belittle the other person or destroy their self-esteem.


My ex progressed to making threats of physical harm and I ignored the warning signs until he did hit me.


If what's being said makes you feel unworthy and unloved, the other person is being verbally abusive.


Don't take it.

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