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mixed messages

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I’ve liked this guy, for four years now. (since freshman year in high school) Freshman and Sophomore year we were friendly/acquaintances. Last year, he did the exchange program (so I guess last year didn’t count) And I almost got over him. This year however, we have become really good friends. We have spent a lot of time together, we do a lot of the same activities at school, and we are currently organizing a fundraiser together..(an improv show)


I really can’t tell whether he is into me, or whether he would ever be into me. He is so incredibly hard to read. At times he seems like he likes me…Like when I’m sitting in the Library reading, he’ll go over and talk to me right away…but other times I just can’t tell with him.


I am afraid that I have given him the wrong message. (I’m incredibly guarded) He’s touchy feely with almost all of his friends (mostly female friends..) except for me. However, he tells me things that he really doesn’t tell his other friends.. (He told me that he was smoking..and other kind of private things)


The thing is, that so many people have made comments about us being a couple..(which will both make a disgusted face..like “eww, this person is like my brother/sister..”) From our friends, to our teachers and such..I’m just wondering if they are seeing something that we aren’t..(or at least hoping) I know that he is uncomfortable with discussing romance stuff..at least in front of me, so I wonder if he’s just shy like I am..or if he just wants to be friends..


So I have a few questions, how do I tell if he likes me? How can I send him the right message? (without coming out and saying “hey, I like you” because I would never do that..because like I said I’m guarded.) I’m just confused with this whole situation. Anyway, I’ll take any advice, considering I’m clearly confused.

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If your just a friend he will treat you like his other friends. If he treats you special you are either a very good friend or he likes you. Guys are usually much easier to read than women who have male friends. If he spends large amounts of time with you (one on one) then he probably likes you. Guys do not spend time with someone they are not that interested in. Does he give you lots of eye contact? Does he ask you to do things with him outside of school? Does he like to be alone with you? You might give him a hint that you like him and see how he responds. Touch him when you speak and see if he enjoys your closeness. If he doesn't weird out and back away then he probably likes you.

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I agree. You girls defo have the advantage over guys like me. If you ask him out to coffee/lunch/equivalent and he goes with you then I reckon there's something there. As Yamaha says guys don't hang around with girls unless they are interested and believe it or not to some of us how a girl looks while attracting our attention isn't what we look for long term. At least for me connecting with a person. enjoying their company and caring for them - thats how I end up falling for girls.


Maybe you could ask his help with something? A good sign is how ready he is to drop everything to spend time with you. We guys like to feel like we are knights in shining armour rescuing the damsel in distress (no really we secretly do!) so why not be the damsel and see how he reacts. Also read the advice on flirting. We all like flirting. It's nice to feel liked. There is a whole thing where guys and girls know what to look for so if you act like you like him he'll know or at least maybe his friends will pick up.


We guys can spot girls flirting with our friends but tend to be oblivious to it happening to ourselves! Vulnerabilty is also a good thing. Opening up emotionally can lead to hurt but if he also opens up then I'd say you've got a good guy there who definitely feels something. Feelings start off low but will eventually escalate. You need to take things slowly especially if he is a typical guy who likes you but is probably still confused!

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Thanks for the advice..


It's just almost impossible to know with him..We tease each other and joke around all the time..(Although it's never sexual..except of course the typical, guy bragging about his size thing. Although even with that, he seems like it's one of those, he can't help himself, but still feels uncomfortable about saying anything sexual around me..).but we never, like jokingly flirt or anything..) He does take time to be around me. I used to stay after school (and wait) for my debate club (which he was in..) He'd wait with me. One time, he told me he could have gone home, but he wouldn't leave me alone with the two other people who were also waiting. He does some really sweet things like that..I also know that, if I'm being serious about something, he'll help me out..but I think he'd be like that with just about everyone...


The thing that's weird is that he's incredibly touchy feely with most of his female friends. (not me though) I don't know why. I'm afraid I've sent the wrong message, or I'm wondering if he's just shy about touching me, or if he just considers me like his little sister?

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My friends she hugs, flirts, jokes with all her male friends. To guys she really likes - cold as ice... emotions - I mean friends yes but in a mature and restrained manner. Sound familiar?


Of course he could just see you like a sister and not want to lead you on.


I suggest just seeing how it goes - don't rush things.

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Ah, high school life is so much different, dating becomes more serious and pessimistic.


btw, falling for a gay dude is normal for a lot of girls.

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