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i have been recently laid off 1 month now unemployed. This is now twice in a year. Twice in 2 different countries, no less. This economic downturn has followed me around the globe. @#$%^! You just can't win right now. Times are really economically. Nobody is safe. No industry is mind


Any others in here had the same thing happen? Did you lose your job (or will be soon)?

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I hear ya barkin'

I've been trying like a madman to get into a particular career path for some time now. It's quite frustrating. Good friends of mine are being laid off. They've got college loans to pay off. But there is always a solution, really. I have been working as a constuction laborer on the side for a few weeks, now in rder to make some extra money. There is opportunity out there...I'm sure you have more opportunity than some of those poor Afgan bastards...really. Look around and smell the roses. Opportunity knocks, even at this time it might not be exactly where you want it to be.

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