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e-mail screwup?


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Hi everyone...I really need some advice. I was supposed to move to Germany to be with my bf next month, but it has been cancelled. He came to Canada for all of August to test living together, and then walked out on me @ 2am because he didn't want my cat to sleep with us, when I insisted. He called me from his airport city, which was a four hour drive away, the next night saying we needed to talk and to come and pick him up. Needless to say we had a three hour discussion and worked mostly everything out. He's been in the army all September so we've had little time to discuss anything further. He sends me sms messages from his cell phone everyday telling me how much he loves me and misses me. He has also said he wants me to come next month to visit. BUT here is the big problem:


Before he went back, he downloaded his e-mails onto my computer. He did put them all into the delete folder, but did not empty the folder. Well, I found one mail address strange and opened it. I couldn't understand the entire mail because it was in Italian but it was signed KISSES, by this girl from the university he attends. I know it was not a family member or anything because he had just moved to this city this year and has no family anywhere near there. SO what should I do? I totally invaded his privacy, but he has never mentioned this girl to me before and the situation seems really suspicious. My theory is that he was cheating and didn't want me to move there and find out, so he sabbotaged the realtionship while he was in Canada. I have tried to forget about the mail, but it's always in the back of my head. How should I handle the situation??????

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Don't jump to conclusions here. A lot of lady friends sign their name with or put "kisses" in the platonic email. That may just be an "Italian" cutural thing.


Take the email and find somebody who speaks Italian and have them translate the whole thing. Then, if you find the entire letter proves he was cheating on you, then send him on his way.


If a girl insisted on a cat sleeping with us, I'd be looking for another chick myself...but maybe not as far as Italy.


If I discovered my girl was reading my email, I would insist on ONLY sleeping with the cat.


You were way wrong to read this email and even more wrong to try to interpret it. If you feel he's cheating on you, that's not the kind of feeling you want in a relationship. Get out of it.

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Don't jump to conclusions here. A lot of lady friends sign their name with or put "kisses" in the platonic email. That may just be an "Italian" cutural thing. Take the email and find somebody who speaks Italian and have them translate the whole thing. Then, if you find the entire letter proves he was cheating on you, then send him on his way.


If a girl insisted on a cat sleeping with us, I'd be looking for another chick myself...but maybe not as far as Italy. If I discovered my girl was reading my email, I would insist on ONLY sleeping with the cat.


You were way wrong to read this email and even more wrong to try to interpret it. If you feel he's cheating on you, that's not the kind of feeling you want in a relationship. Get out of it.

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Also, Brazillian girls do this. In Portuguese, they sign off Beigos (sp?) and this is part of their culture. They automatically assume that the literal translation into English is a common part of our culture, which it is not.


I, also, would not jump to conclusions here.

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