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Oh God. What Do I do?

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I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years. We have a mortgage and were going to plan for a family. I trusted him and never suspected that he would cheat on me.

Then the other woman phoned me at home yesterday while he was at work. She was crying. She kept apologizing. I asked her what was wrong. She said my boyfriend broke her heart. He dumped her two months ago. I listened. Just in shock. She said that they had slept together a few times and had been in love for nearly two years. And before that he had a fling with another girl.

I asked him about it. He admitted it. But he says she lied about the love part and that he felt sorry for her then she blackmailed him so he couldnt get out of the relationship with her.

He cried and said sorry to me a million times. He promised it would never happen again. He dumped her coz he wanted to devote his all to me and give me a family, which is what I so want.

I would rather not rock the boat by remortgaging the house, letting down our famillies and everything else that comes with breaking up. I am over 30 and I feel I dont have time or energy to get look for a new relationship. Ive heard of stories where this can make a relationship stronger.

Please advise. Be honest and brutal. I NEED real advice.

Thank you.

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for what could be HALF of your relationship this guy was cheating on you, and he only came clean when you get a phone call and then its a sudden OMG IM SO SORRY!!! sobfest? Give me a break, you need to stop worring about what others are going to think about this, and worry about you, at 30 you are still prefectly young to find someone that will treat you right.


you want brutal? It sounds to me that you are to lazy to actually do the things that would make you feel better and would rather stay with this guy out of secruity and this NEED for a family. Of course in the end who is going to be left home taking care of the kids while he is out cheating on you again

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If I had enough fingers to count how many lovers have said, "it will never happen again" to their significant others.


This is not ok.


You know your options..


Stay with him and live with the uncertainty for years. Ask yourself what you would do if it were to happen again or you find out there was another woman in addition to the ones you know about. That's really harsh.


You stand up for yourself. Because last time I checked you as an individual deserve respect, love, happiness, and loyalty. Can he give you that?

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I would rather not rock the boat by remortgaging the house, letting down our famillies and everything else that comes with breaking up.


You have to consider that this relationship will most likely end one day anyway. The majority of relationships do, even without the problem of infidelity.


If you stay with him, add these to the list....


everything else would be, ending a marriage, hurting your kids, messy divorce and/or custody battle.

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