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can't get the guy she likes!


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well, i was just wondering why everytime that i like a guy, the guy doesn't like me back. do you think it's me who's at fault or i'm just simply unlikeable? i felt like a jinx in terms of finding the right guy. i mean, i never really get the guy i wanted i always end up with the second best. I wanted to be with the guy i like! and now i like these guy again who doesn't like me back he's just one of my friends. actually at first i never noticed him and doesn't even know he exists but suddenly when our rehearsal for the play started that's when my affection or feelings for him started to grow. at first it was magical but now it's an agony. i misses him so much because i wasn't able to see him for 2 days i gave him a call but we only talk about school stuffs. i wanted to get to know him but i'm too afraid to do that. my friends told me that he already have a girlfriend but they also told me that he says that he doesn't like/love the girl (that's a good news for me) but what do you think should i do about this feeling i have for him? should i just forget him? or should i give him some hint about my feelings? or just wait for fate to do it's magic? i'm not really good at this boy-girl thing so please help me!

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