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what do men find attractive in a woman?


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Because a girl can be insecure & realize that what attracted her to me could attract other girls as well. I've had that happen to me 2 relationships in a row now. Those type of girls seem to flock to me for some reason.


that is too bad... a woman should appreciate when another woman finds

a quality in her man that is attractive, just reinforces her choice.

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Between this response and your "why try to change what attracted me in the first place" response, I think you're my kinda woman. :)


Thankfully, I'm married to one who's like that too. She'd have to be to put up with me!

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that is too bad... a woman should appreciate when another woman finds

a quality in her man that is attractive, just reinforces her choice.


The rationality that you have can't exist in a woman who's insecure. I tried many times to reason with them & their responses always boiled down to, "Well, I just don't like it when. . ."

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Between this response and your "why try to change what attracted me in the first place" response, I think you're my kinda woman. :)


Thankfully, I'm married to one who's like that too. She'd have to be to put up with me!



nice, so how do I find a single man like you

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nice, so how do I find a single man like you


or I would rather say I can not wait to finally meet a single man

that I find his qualities so attractive that I would not have the

interest in trying to spend the time changing him

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Mad Dog -

You say you don't want a woman to change you. Why is it that so many guys marry women who then boss them around and put them under the thumb? You know, they are not allowed to see people that she may not like, can't be friends with girls they have known for years, can't go out and play golf once a week - they have to spend all their time with her. These guys don't buck it - they seem to love these women.


I'm fairly easy going and I couldn't get a guy to cross the road and piss on me if I were on fire.


What makes guys want this kind of girl - the controlling type?

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Well, you could always wait until he's in his 50s like I was (50, and she was 48). Either that or just be discerning, discriminating and VERY choosy!


From sorry past experience I've found that settling doesn't work.

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Mad Dog -

You say you don't want a woman to change you. Why is it that so many guys marry women who then boss them around and put them under the thumb? You know, they are not allowed to see people that she may not like, can't be friends with girls they have known for years, can't go out and play golf once a week - they have to spend all their time with her. These guys don't buck it - they seem to love these women.


I'm fairly easy going and I couldn't get a guy to cross the road and piss on me if I were on fire.


What makes guys want this kind of girl - the controlling type?


I suspect the guys in those marriages aren't happy. Also, I doubt those women started out that way. My exes were ok in the beginning except for maybe a few warning signs--then they got progressively worse. I blame half of it on myself because I was so intent on making the relationships work that I didn't lay down the law like I should have.


Don't change yourself. Being easygoing is a huge advantage when it comes to having a cool relationship.

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I suspect the guys in those marriages aren't happy. Also, I doubt those women started out that way. My exes were ok in the beginning except for maybe a few warning signs--then they got progressively worse. I blame half of it on myself because I was so intent on making the relationships work that I didn't lay down the law like I should have.


Don't change yourself. Being easygoing is a huge advantage when it comes to having a cool relationship.



lay down the law what do you mean by that? What did they do to drive you crazy??

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lay down the law what do you mean by that? What did they do to drive you crazy??


Lay down the law = call them out on their jealous behaviour and let them know it's unacceptable




1. Getting mad at me for looking at girls that walk by when I really wasn't

2. Giving me s*** for hanging out with my friends

3. Going through my phone bill that was lying around

4. Accusing my female friends of flirting with me when they weren't

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Lay down the law = call them out on their jealous behaviour and let them know it's unacceptable




1. Getting mad at me for looking at girls that walk by when I really wasn't

2. Giving me s*** for hanging out with my friends

3. Going through my phone bill that was lying around

4. Accusing my female friends of flirting with me when they weren't

your post made me laugh. Weve got the rules down in my relationship.

1) Be sly enough when you check out other women that I don't notice , if I do catch you and it was slightly sly I'll let you slide but if not I get to tease mercilessly .

2) We usually share friends so the friends thing isen't a prob.

3)I don't know that Iv'e ever even looked at my own phone bill much less go over anyone elses.

4)Maddog, Weve been over the female friend thing .;)


My advice to get a great guy for pricilla, be yourself do whatever your happiest doing in life and when the time is right a great one just minght show up.But don't lower your expectations as long as they are reasonable.

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Mad Dog -

You say you don't want a woman to change you. Why is it that so many guys marry women who then boss them around and put them under the thumb? You know, they are not allowed to see people that she may not like, can't be friends with girls they have known for years, can't go out and play golf once a week - they have to spend all their time with her. These guys don't buck it - they seem to love these women.


I'm fairly easy going and I couldn't get a guy to cross the road and piss on me if I were on fire.


What makes guys want this kind of girl - the controlling type?


I think it's just different personalities. Maybe some guys are looking to replace their mothers, I dunno?


I know that that would never fly with me. I've got an independent side.

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Of course. Chemistry includes a combination of looks & personality though.


Looks = physical attraction

Personality = friend

Looks + Personality = chemistry = girl I'd want to date


A personal aside but I hung out with a girl yesterday & I'll be damned if it wasn't the best chemistry I've felt since high school or maybe even grade school. She's going to be very interesting.

maddog, dude i have a lot of female friends with very good looks and good personalities and i don't nesecarily think of them as girlfriends and there's not chemistry with them

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Eh for me I need some instant "chemistry" definitely. It's hard for me to dig down and learn a lot about someone that doesn't grab my attention. It's not all about looks either.


What I look for?


1. Confidence.

2. Independence.

3. Sense of humor

4. Outgoing.

5. Intelligence.

6. Physically active (I'm not a couch potato kind of guy)

7. Overall caring personality for the well being of others.

8. Communication (ex was really bad at this).


For me, having the above can often outweigh most anything else. But I do agree with some, there has to be a physical attraction first to some varying degree.

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Um, then you best not meet me CG, because I have all of your traits listed and I am not a woman that wants to get married.... just have fun!!!! :laugh:

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Um, then you best not meet me CG, because I have all of your traits listed and I am not a woman that wants to get married.... just have fun!!!! :laugh:


Haha. I've only met one person off LS.


But I will admit there are several women here that I think are quality people who fit my bill.


We need to have a LS meet, haha. A dating roundtable. That'd be a hoot.

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Haha. I've only met one person off LS.


But I will admit there are several women here that I think are quality people who fit my bill.


We need to have a LS meet, haha. A dating roundtable. That'd be a hoot.


Was your meeting a good thing? What you expected, good or bad?

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Was your meeting a good thing? What you expected, good or bad?


We had fun hanging out but I think at the time both of us weren't quite ready.


I think I am getting there. Hell, I know I want to start dating. I HAVE to just for my own sanity.


It helped getting hit on not once, not twice but three times this past weekend. Unfortunately not of them were my type. :lmao:

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We had fun hanging out but I think at the time both of us weren't quite ready.


I think I am getting there. Hell, I know I want to start dating. I HAVE to just for my own sanity.


It helped getting hit on not once, not twice but three times this past weekend. Unfortunately not of them were my type. :lmao:



Maybe you should just give them a shot to see if it might be better than what your first impression tells you....

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Maybe you should just give them a shot to see if it might be better than what your first impression tells you....


Most (not all) of the women here I think would be good dating material live far, far away. I'll have to look locally. :)

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i want big boobs,clean shaved pussy in a woman



Wow, that would be an easy request to fill for a man here in Cali... fake stuff galore!

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Cali - let's organise an international house swap.


You can move to Western Australia (given your thing for accents) and I'll move to California (where the hot guys are) and we'll see if we can't do better than we are doing now in our own gene pools. Aussie guys are definitely in the shallow end!

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