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what's up with them?

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The " Businessmen" are the stupidest s***s on Earth. They know nothing about PROPORTIONAL MATH, which may primary school kids master so well. Theywant poor people to have salary cuts while they could maintain their own high profits/incomes


Many people often praise those tycoons for WORKING HARD despite they have low education level. Now you see what's wrong with their brain. They can't even calculate primary school math. Their success was, contrary to the public belief of due to their HARD WORKING, had more to do with GOOD LUCK and CORRUPTED MUTAL BENEFIT UNDERGROUND DEALS with those in powers (i.e. some s***s inside the government). So people, learn your lesson, don't believe in their brainwashing HARD WORK slogans if you want to be successful. Instead try to improve your luck and learn more about conducting illegal underground deals. Then you are likely to be successful.

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Your posts make little sense and have little basis in reality. I am also offended by your use of foul language.


Please go somewhere else and post this stuff. It is truly annoying. These posts wouldn't be quite so bad if they just made some sense.


Use a good search engine to find other forums more appropriate for your material.

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