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Having some trust issues

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Well, this is my first post, so I apologize in advance if I don't follow some of the community conventions properly... Still learning! :o


I'm posting because I'm hoping to find some support or advice or sharing (or any other human response, for the matter!) on some feelings I've been having.


Here's the scoop:


I've been dating a wonderful guy for almost a year and a half. He is fantastic--a sweetheart through and through, with the kindest spirit.


However, for some reason, and despite knowing deep down that he is a good, honest man, I have trust and jealousy issues. I suspect they come from inside me rather than from any reaction to him. He doesn't act in any way that would make a secure girlfriend suspicious or uncomfortable. He is completely forthcoming. He knows that I have irrational concerns, and we have a very open and communicative relationship. He listens when I discuss how I feel, and he is as supportive as he could be. I know that I'm lucky for his patience. Okay... I guess I've established my feelings for him... So here's the problem: I just can't stop my mind from racing on and on with worries and concerns--fears of infidelity and abandonment, or even just lies. Why why why? It's so frustrating to "know" deep down inside that he is honest and true, and yet still worry and fantasize. It's unfair to him, and it is detrimental to our relationship... (Sorry for going on and on--it feels good to vent...) Has anyone else ever felt like this? And... am I crazy?


Thanks a bunch.

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"Its detrimental to our relationship."



Yes you're right it is. If he has never given you reason to suspect otherwise, and you feel this is just your own insecurity, you might want to seek some help to learn how to deal with these trust issues you have. If you don't, then you may end up destroying your relationship with him.



"Am I crazy?"


No, I don't think you're crazy. I just think you need someone to help you get ahold of these feelings you have before its to late.






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i have been there with my current boyfriend and i was right but i forgave him and now we have the greatest relationship we talked about everything that happened and of course it was hurtful but we are closer than ever now and i still have my thought and doubts but i treust him and i know he loves me and i love him and if i continue to think the way i do or dwell on the past it will break me down so i let it go and now i am living for the future

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