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I don't know what his motives are


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A month ago, my boyfriend and I broke up. His reasons were that he has too much crud going on with school and graduation and his friends always wanted to hang out with him. I found that to be a big problem in our relationship because we rarely hung out. He still wanted to be friends after we broke up. I wasn't too cool with that and I told him. I vowed to myself that I would never speak to him again.


A week after that, I decided it would be okay to be civil with him. Whenever we ran into each other, we would have a brief chat. I got annoyed with him for some reason so I gave him the cold shoulder again.


Recently, he told one of my friends that we all should go back hanging out together like in the old days (when we were dating I would invite my ex to hang out with my friends). My friend told him that we should, but I wish my friend did not say that. My ex has also been posting on my Facebook, which is really unlike him. He never posts comments on Facebook or Myspace for anyone. Even when we were dating, he wouldn't write anything. I don't know, but it just seems weird that he's trying to come back to life or something.


Last night I briefly talked with him and he told me that he would see me later on this week. I asked why he was so sure about that and he explained that he was going to be in the library all this week and I should drop by and say hi before I go to work.


I don't know what to do. My friends say that it seems like he still likes me and that he's trying to test the water, but I don't know. I'm really confused.

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If you spend a few minutes reading every other post on this site, you'll see that this is an ego game. He wants to know he still has you.


Drop it like a hot potato. If you care about him at all, move on. Leading him on will only make things MUCH worse for you, and much better for him.

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Yes, for sure an ego game!!!! I am going through the same thing right...he wants his cake and wants to eat it too!!! I really think NC until he has made up his mind about wanting the relationship. I hope I can do the same but it is hard as hell!!!!!!!

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