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how to end own life?


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It would be far more desireable for you to seek help for your temporary discomfort and depression. Many things happen to us in our lives but they are only temporary. You only get ONE life and it would be very tragic to end it unnecessarily. There is really no good reason for doing so.


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I urge you to get professional help.


If you do not consider this alternative, I would be remiss in not advising you of the most painless way of ending your life, if you absolutely must. Carbon monoxide, the gas that comes of the exhaust of your car, will do the trick. It will put you to sleep and you won't wake up.


Beyond that, I will leave it to you to figure out how to get the gas from your exhaust into your car, etc.


Please do yourself and your family a favor and get help. This is not something you should be thinking about. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems.

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What is this?


Please tell me you're joking?


Life's a gift and I for one don't want to read this type of thing...instead, tell me what's wrong. Know that you have value and worth.


You can email me at <e-mail address removed> if you want to talk.


I hope you're still out there and that you know you're not alone.



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I know you may be going through difficult times to feel like this.


But you only live life once, the problem you have is temporarily as someoned said here.


Please seek help before attempting anything desperately, there is people who love you.


God loves you and he wants to help you, just give it a chance.


i am desperated. how to kill myself without pain, i have no idea.
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given him suggestions on how to kill himself. Shame on you! This could be a joke but it may not be. Give advice on how he can help himself, not kill himself.

i am desperated. how to kill myself without pain, i have no idea.
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given him suggestions on how to kill himself. Shame on you! This could be a joke but it may not be. Give advice on how he can help himself, not kill himself.

I agree. But it troubles me, the whole pain thing. If you succeed, then you wouldn't feel the pain anyway, unless, of course, there's a small part of you that's thinking about the pain it would cause others. On the other hand, if you fail, you run the risk of being so f***ed up that you can't figure out how to try again, stuck here on Earth with the rest of us, yes, but totally incapable of ANYTHING, but still alive enough to keep the people who love you around, until even they begin to resent you...harsh, I know, but really, come on, if you need to bring something meaningful to your life, there was this thing that happened recently in New York...

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well said, fishbulb.


one of the many things about suicide that make it almost a totally selfish act, is the immense pain that these people around you, who love you, will feel when you are gone. to know that you made a conscious decision to end your life will torment them for the rest of their lives..."i could have helped"...."there were other options". the loss of a loved one through suicide destroys many lives.


i hate to sound cold, but suicide is self-centred. those left behind never get over knowing that their loved one took their own life. if you've ever known someone who has committed suicide, then maybe you will know that the pain their loved ones feel is incredible.


as fisbulb also pointed out, you could try to commit suicide painlessly, but you don't have any guarantee that you will die. you could end up permanently disabled. you could end up a vegetable in a home for the rest of your life, knowing full-well what is happening around you but not being able to respond or move.


i urge you seek professional help immediately. your life is too precious to just consider throwing away. your life is a gift...not just to you, but to those who brought you into this world and to those who love you dearly. you are a gift.


look at the pain of the victims of the recent terrorist attack. why on earth would you want your family to feel that pain of losing a loved one too?


the problems you have in your life right now will not always be so great and feel so overwhelming. you are not stupid for feeling this way. you are not insignificant.


please, please get help. there are many people out there who care for you....even strangers who will become friends. trust me...i witnessed a car accident this weekend while on an interstate holiday. i was overwhelmed at the amount of total strangers, including myself, who rushed to the aid of those involved. people care and they always will. there is always somebody there for you.

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If you are concerned about feeling pain, than all hope is not certianlly not lost. You obviously care enough about yourself to not have this desperate act "hurt" yourself. But think about all the others who would end up hurt and saddened. Your family, your friends, your acquaintances. Sometimes it seems like no one else could ever feel as desperate as you may still feel now, but many of us have been low before and many of us made it back up again. Life is a new chance every day to reach out to others and realize that we are all more alike than different, please don't be afraid to tell us or anyone around you why you feel like you have to end your life. I garuntee that you will find some compassion somewhere....Please don't think of suicide anymore.

i am desperated. how to kill myself without pain, i have no idea.
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Suicide is never a solution to any problem. Besides hurting all around you, all your friends and family will feel so guilty, because you do this - it will not really help you either.


If you go from a christian view, murder is one of the cardinal sins, self-murder included. No human has the right to take a life. So christians would believe that self murder will put you into purgatory for a real long time and you would feel your hurt even longer.


If you believe in reincarnation and karma, self-murder will put you back in your cycle. Bad karma for your next live(s) and maybe hovering inbetween worlds for a long time. Hauntings are often caused by people who have killed themselves, they cant go on to the next dimension and so will stay around, not really knowing that they are dead.


And if you dont believe in an afterlife, you should get as much out of the one life you have.


Go for help. Even the worst experience, if you get help and learn something out of it, might in the end, be for your own good. Thats my experience anyway. Getting over something which really has hurt you badly, makes you stronger and wiser. I have gone through some really bad experiences myself, but in hindsight, I am actually glad that I had to go through them - they made me the better person. I couldnt cope with them all on my own either and went for counseling. Knowing when you need help and then going to get it, is a sign of strength!


Please do not kill yourself and think about the ones who love you too! But if you really, really do commit suicide do it in the least harmful way to others (dont jump in front of a train or subway - you would hurt the driver; dont jump from a bridge; dont commit suicide where a child or someone who loves you might find you; dont do it in a messy way).


One suggestion, if you really dont want to live no more and nobody and nothing can put that love of life back into you, join a meaningful dangerous profession. If you dont care to live or die, become a policeman in a dangerous neighborhood, go to some special forces (marines, seals, whatever), join the mercenaries of the French Army (they are always deployed to the most dangerous places), go to a third world country to help in a hospital, where there is the danger of catching a virulent disaese or whatever other really dangerous profession applies to you, so that at the very least, there would be some good coming out of your death-wish.


But I really hope that you will go for counseling and learn to love life again. There is just so much to live for! Please do keep us posted.

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