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What is he really saying??????

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working on marriage because husband has screwed up, a lot. He says he has been thinking of leaving. He left for a few days to clear his mind. Now he is back and still says he doesnt know what he wants. We are in MC.

I ask if if he plans on going anywhere and he always says he doesnt know. He also says when times get tough "i should just leave". So, I am under the impression that he wants to go, and may be planning on it. Also say he has D papers, just waiting for the right time to give them to me, if he decideds to.

He talks a lot about our house future plans on renovating here and there. Also has made some calls to get bids on some work.

Hmm....So, what is with the mixed signals? He says one thing, then his actions say another! What is he really thinking here??

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