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cheating questions.....

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always had suspicion that my girlfriend was cheating on me. just a gut feeling. she always said that she wasnt a cheater and that she would never do that to me. found out the other day that she in fact cheated on me.....i found the evidence (condoms) in her bedroom. she denied it and swore that she didnt cheat..told me that a friend used her room to have sex with her boyfriend. after swearing that she didnt cheat she finally admitted to doing it. she even had me talk to one of her friends before that who lied for her and told me that it in fact was her and her boyfriend who used her bed ot have sex. anyway...she admitted to it (blaming drugs and her bad influence friends) and is crying and seemingly very sorry and bothered that she made a mistake. what really bothers me is the lies and that i cant hellp but feel that she cheated on me before this. a week earlier after she told me she was going to bed, i decided to go over her house and just as i got there a guy "friend" of hers was leaving the house. she said it was just a friend (she does have guy friends) and i believed her. any thoughts on this? thanks...vince

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Lets see she had several condoms in her room? So she bought them most likely? premeditated cheating.


She has done it once, has lying friends, involved with drugs...... I would say get out fast and don't look back.

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A cheater,

a liar,

she does drugs,

you cannot trust her friends(who have also a bad influence on her).


Dump her. You feel she has cheated before, trust your feelings.


She might be truly sorry, bur even if she does not cheat on you again, how are you ever going to trust her? If you stay with her, you are setting yourself up for a lot of pain.


I'm sorry you are in such a situation, do what is (in the long-term) in your best interest and end the relationship.

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Find someone that isn't into drugs and has better friends


She is going to keep cheating on you, and keep lying to you. Why would you want to be with her?

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Dump her cheating ass.


You know she's cheated, and you suspect that she's cheated more than she's admitted to. That woman could be a bigger walking virus farm than that monkey in Outbreak.


Besides which... dude, don't you deserve better than the shyt she's feeding you? Why let things go any further with her than they already have? There are tons of women out there who are honest and loyal.

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