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some advice needed


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met a great woman on an internet dating site. Been seeing her for the past four months.All the ingredients for a wonderful relationship are there but she has a hard time expressing her emotions towards me. She says she has plenty for her female friends. I asked her to be exclusive just after a month of dating,my fault i know that was too early so i backed off. Well it's been almost four months now and I am getting used to her being around. I told her this and she said 'I know'. She says we don't know each other well enough to call this a relationship. We go out and do the couples thing with her friends and mine, she cooks me dinner(twice last week)etc. She says she misses me when i am gone on business and lately has said she has missed me more than she thought she would.


I feel that if this was just a quick fling for her it would have been over with a few months ago. She has said that we are too much alike but also opposite's. I think that is what makes for a well-rounded relationship.


Does it seem like she is keeping her distance emotionally till we get to know one another better? Or is this possibly an excuse on her part? I do know that she has lied to me about where and who she is with but i have not brought it up as of yet. I have a tendencey to let my emotions get ahead of me sometimes and don't want to scare her away.


She is also still on the dating website where we met and that bothers me. I believe it will expire the first of October. I don't want to seem like i am spying on her but how should i bring up the fact that she still is there? The fact that she is on there still makes me think that she is not content with how things are going between us.


My feelings for her are starting to grow. I am willing to give this time because i think it's worth it and i believe she does also. Am I just thinking too much about this? Should I just take it one-day at a time?

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My first thoughts are that she's keeping her emotions in check for now.


To say she feels you don't know each other well enough after four months to call it a relationship means she needs more time to do exactly that, get to know you... which explains why she keeps her emotions in check, why she is still on the dating site, why she has lied to you about where and who she's been with. Yes she lied... but in the context of things she lied to not hurt your feelings because she cares about what you think. Her options are open as far as she is concerned till she knows you better.


Obviously her feelings are growing for you despite her defences. Let her take things at her pace.

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