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she misses me?

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she e-mailed me about 2 weeks ago, saying she misses me. one line e-mail. then today, she e-mailed me and was just like, hey how are you. also a one line e-mail. i haven't replied to any of them, and im not sure if i should. she also called and left a message a couple of nights ago, telling me the updates on her. i have been in no contact, what so ever. could this be an action of a stubborn person, who wants to reconcile, but is too proud to admit it?

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It could be someone looking for a potential reconciliation. The one thing you can say for sure is that she's thinking of you, which is nice (if you want it). The other thing you could say is that she's looking for an ego boost. No idea what she really wants, but don't know if either is really in your best interest. If I were you, I'd send a brief email back just saying that everything is going well. If she wants you again, she should be the one to come back to you with open arms and a sincere apology. Not some second rate "are you still there for me to use" message.


Just my 2 cents.

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I really dont think she means anything by it. At the most write back and say Hey im doing great busy with stuff. well take care. Short and sweet. and she will probably be bothered that its just short! But dont think to much into it. i would to lil' things like that and all it does and make u think about "maybe they miss me" "maybe they are wanting to get back together" but most likly she was being nice and sseein how u were or just tryin to get attention. Girls do that.

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