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single or not?


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i've been in a relationship now for 4 months, and i've just asked him for a break. i know i really love him, and wouldn't know what it would be like without him. but im kinda missing the single life, as i think im too young to be getting into such a serious relationship. he loves me so much, i dont wana see him bein hurt. thats why its so hard for me. we're havin a break for 2 weeks and seeing other people within this time, but i know he dunt want to, howevev, i cant tel him that iv already gone with sumone so far. and i like him also, so in a way, iv made it worse for myself. i REALLY dont know what to do and what I want , please help!

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You are probably doing the right thing. If you know you are not ready for an exclusive relationship, it's best that you speak up now rather than later. There is nothing wrong with you not being ready to settle in to dating only one guy.


I'm not going to try to make light of it. It's hard to be honest, with yourself and others, when you know someone will likely feel hurt by it. But I assure you, honesty, however it is taken by another, is much better for all parties involved than dishonesty could ever be.


Dating and being in love is tricky business. You can fall for someone or someone can fall for you, it seems, in the blink of an eye. Those who aren't ready and willing to take the risks involved need to find something safer to do like playing the lottery.

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