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I can't believe this is happening to me...

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Hey ya'll I'm new here and I am having a problem that I don't really understand and I was hoping someone would have some advise as how to go about stopping this.....


My man and I have been together for over 5 months now, we have a great relationship we are definantly in love, hes 23, im about 19...He's in the army, hes been deployed twice to afghanistan and iraq....Obviously, we all have pasts...But lately, I have been getting jealous thinking of his ex's...I don't really know WHY I'm feeling this way, and NOW of all times. I love him to death and I know he loves me...I can't tell if maybe its just insecurities or if I'm crazy or what...He isn't in contact with any of his ex's ...he purposly lost contact and even changed his phone number after I had talked to him about it...He was upset because Im upset, he feels bad that its hurting me and I feel like it shouldn't be...just the thought of other girls having been able to be with him the way I am just freaks me out! And I know thats over analyzing it as obviously they didn't work out so their relationships would of gone compelety different.......He is the first guy I have trusted in a long time, he totaly understands me and I totaly understand him..we can relate on so many levels and just being around him makes me feel like a puddle gooey sparkly hearts, lol. Any advice on how to just get over the stupid stuff I'm jealous over would be greatly appreciated :D thanks <3:bunny:

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i dont think your being stupid or having stupid thoughts, ive been jealous of my fiances exes, and now were meant to be at a party where his ex will be but ive decided to not go. its oine thing knowing someone has an ex its another having the ex shoved in your face.

all you can do is concentrate on the good times with him and relish in the fcat that he loves you, at least you dont have to live with the knowledge that he still interatcs with the exes, so you are in a better position than some

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