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a year abroad

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Since January I've been together with the most amazing guy ever. I've known him for about a year now, and I can find anything negative about him at all.. We're both 17 years old, and I never tought I would ever find a guy like him. Not untill I was 30 years old, and really needed someone like him. I don't feel like I deserve him, he makes me feel awesome, and I never tought I would say this either, but I really love him, and I hope that we will stay together as long as I live. But everyone says I'm naive anyways. But that's not the issue, there really is no problem... -I am the problem.


Since I was little I wanted to study a year aboad, and I fell in love I sendt in all the papers. I didnt even think I whould get in to the school, over there, but I did. And from August this autoumn I am going to a school far-far-away. I don't know how other people cope with these things. When I told him that I was leaving he got really sad, just like all my other friends did. All my girlfriends tell me that I'll probably find another guy when I'm gone, but the thing is, that I would rather wait a year. And then come back to my wonderfull bf.


But I really don't know what to do: I really want to go away, and I am going, but at the same time, I don't want to leave my bf, cuz I bet he is going to find another girl when I'm gone. If there was a cure for jealusy maybe it would be allright...


I got no experience at all with long distance relationships or anything like that. What should I do?

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Just go on with this n u'll have yr own experience. I thought he was halfway back to me but now he has decided to work there for another year. What will I do? See, I go on, think, as long as I can endure. I'm sorry I got to have my own plan. I used to think we'd plan together...

Im sorry it's yr place. I stop now. Just tell him what u think...I'll cum back. Luck gal!

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LDRs can be tough, but they can also be a true testament to the strength of a relationship. If I were you, I'd just be honest with the guy and explain the situation. You can always date a little before you go to see if a relationship would be in the works, and then the two of you can make a mature decision on where to go from there. There's no easy answer, unfortunately. :(

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Sometimes when two people are going totally different directions in life it may be best to part company for awhile. That being said if it is only one year and it's academic then you can probably survive with holidays, phone calls, e-mail, visits etc. How far are you talking? The main issue is different time zones and beingin "alien worlds" where one person is stuck in normal culture while the other is immersed in a totally different society. I think it can be hard for the one who has to stay behind and wait. 17 is still very young and you have to weigh up this relationship against your dream of 1 year abroad. I hope things work out well and he waits for you.

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I'm having the same problem darl :(


I gave up my lifelong dream of moving interstate to pursue university studies (I applied, got accepted, and rejected them all) for the sake of my bf wanting to stay in the city we live in right now (I HATE it here).


But now I'm contemplating going on a 6 month language study abroad. I am not going to the country or studying the language I have always intended to do, but what I will be doing is something I've always wanted to do - gap. I'm also very scared to leave now because I'm scared of what it will do to my relationship.


If I were completely honest with myself, I'd admit that I don't have complete faith in my relationship. My bf has constantly lied, cheated, and lusted after others during our relationship, whilst I have, dare I say, been the typical "perfect" gf this whole time.


I think I am very hard on my bf now, but I do not think it's unjustified or undeserved. He is ultimately responsible for everything he does, but he has been used by others (ie. his ex-gf :mad:) because he is quite easy to "walk all over" and for some reason gets all weak at the knees, or at least did, when it comes to her. This has, of course, led him to get in trouble with me.


Right now our relationship is going better than ever, but I have to stop and wonder whether it is because of how I made a stand in our relationship and told him I wasn't taking any *beep* anymore and made him realise how to treat me right, or whether it's because I'm just here to keep him in check.


Will he cheat on me when I'm gone? Again? Will he go back to seeing, talking, drinking, dancing and flirting with his ex? Again? I don't know. All I know is that I've had enough with that sort of crap behaviour, and despite how much I truly love my bf, if he betrays me in any sort of way while I'm gone, he is toast.


I have too much respect for myself to have those repressed memories come back to haunt me and to be trod on like a piece of garbage time and time again.


And also, too much respect for myself to give up lifelong dreams because I want to hang on to a relationship that could potentially be hanging by a thread (I don't believe it is at all, at least from my side and effort).


I hope you come to your decision darl, and good luck :)

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