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inexperianced teen


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Hello, I am a 16 year old guy. I am kind of bad with girls. I have a girl who i am not sure if we have 'something' or not. I got her phone number at a social event, and she got mine. I called her and still do like every few days, i dont know how often, but pretty rare, maybe 2-3 times a week. I wish that i talked to her more often than i do, but she never calls me, so i just assume that im a annoyance when i call her, so I just assume not to call her often. We went on a date to dinner and to a fun game type place, then went to her friends house and watched a movie, and i dont know what to make of it, but we cuddled and held hands. We never kissed or anything, but everytime i moved my hand away to fix my position, she'd try to find my hand again. One time, with my other hand, i was trying to tickle her stomach and squeeze it, but she grabbed my hand away and held it for the rest of the time with her other hand, so ive curious what to make of that. With some girls, i can talk to them, and conversations flow, but with this particular girl, i do not understand why, but i sometimes cant think of what to say, and she sits there silently, and it is ackward, i really really am interested in her, and id like to know what i should do?? like 3 weeks ago, i had asked her if she is free, but she wasnt until this weekend, and i havent brang it up that we might be hanging out again, but now i just cant find myself to...hmmmmm i know i sound sorta dumb, but im just really nervous about stuff like this, and any related advice or opinions would help me. Thanks in advance for the help.



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This situation for your age seems perfectly normal. She might be interested, but really, you should be a little more direct and just ask her. Don't look too far into it, just call her if you want to talk to her and if she doesn't want to talk, ask her point blank if she would rather you not call as often. If she is grabbing your hand to hold it, then she is most likely interested in you.


I know that you may be nervous, but trust me...girls are just as anxious about guys. She might be waiting for you to make the moves, ie calling etc. Above all, just ask for what you want...and ask her what she wants.


Unfortunately, I can't say much about conversation flow...I know what you mean...for some it goes easier than others. Try to do things both of you enjoy and can talk about afterwards...or go watch a movie that you both can discuss. Also, ask her more questions about herself so you can learn more about WHO she is...give her information about you...if she asks...


Good luck and have fun with these experiences...you're still young!

Hello, I am a 16 year old guy. I am kind of bad with girls. I have a girl who i am not sure if we have 'something' or not. I got her phone number at a social event, and she got mine. I called her and still do like every few days, i dont know how often, but pretty rare, maybe 2-3 times a week. I wish that i talked to her more often than i do, but she never calls me, so i just assume that im a annoyance when i call her, so I just assume not to call her often. We went on a date to dinner and to a fun game type place, then went to her friends house and watched a movie, and i dont know what to make of it, but we cuddled and held hands. We never kissed or anything, but everytime i moved my hand away to fix my position, she'd try to find my hand again. One time, with my other hand, i was trying to tickle her stomach and squeeze it, but she grabbed my hand away and held it for the rest of the time with her other hand, so ive curious what to make of that. With some girls, i can talk to them, and conversations flow, but with this particular girl, i do not understand why, but i sometimes cant think of what to say, and she sits there silently, and it is ackward, i really really am interested in her, and id like to know what i should do?? like 3 weeks ago, i had asked her if she is free, but she wasnt until this weekend, and i havent brang it up that we might be hanging out again, but now i just cant find myself to...hmmmmm i know i sound sorta dumb, but im just really nervous about stuff like this, and any related advice or opinions would help me. Thanks in advance for the help. George
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