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would you trust this man?

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I have read several posts that seem similar to mine and I need help understanding what is going on here. I have been with my boyfriend for two years. He is very loving and affectionate. He‘s patient and accepts me the way I am. I love him very much and I know he loves me too. The problem is that I don‘t trust him and would like to hear someone else‘s opinion on what‘s going on. He doesn‘t go out often and I can always reach him when he‘s not with me. He seems very respectful and I always trusted him until recently. He has a couple of female friends that I knew about and didn‘t really think anything of it. Then one day I saw text messages he left to one of them that were totally inappropriate and sexual and seemed out of character for him. He told me it was only a joke and nothing worse than he‘d say to any of his friends. I was extremely hurt and angry and saw it as a betrayl. He says he isn‘t attracted to her and they had a couple of conversations that I might have a problem with but it wasn‘t worth hurting me. That‘s when I started asking questions and later discovered what I already knew that most of the answers he gave were complete lies-he said he couldn‘t remember the last time he talked to her on the phone and it had been that day that he had talked to her. He lied about seeing her etc. He promised to stop talking to her because it upset me but didn‘t for three weeks and all the time lied to me even when I showed him that her number was on his calls list. During that time he was still getting messages from her saying "gonna come see me today" but apparently he claims he never sees her. As far as I know he has stopped talking to her though she did call twice and he never told me about it. As this is going on, he becomes friends with a girl he works with. This time he never mentions her to me but calls her almost everyday sometimes two or three times. He hides this for months but I know he‘s still lying because he has started turning off his ringer and keeping his phone by his side which he has never done before so I read his phone bill and it‘s only when I tell me I saw his bill that he admitted to it. He lied up until the very end. For months I had been asking him if he had any friends I didn‘t know about and he said no even though this girl was talking to him daily. He also says he met her two times after work to help her with her car but I didn‘t know. So now I see that all along he has been downplaying the extent of his relationships with girls. Never mentions when he stops by to see one or talk to them. And there are two other female friends who don‘t know he has a girlfriend or a baby with me. He now claims he has told me about all of his friends but there was one other girl whose number came up a few times, once at 2am but I haven‘t even asked him about that because I don‘t want more bs from him. And one night when he was back in his home town over night, he was making cell calls to atleast two of these girls the last at 2am yet he never called me and his cell phone doesn‘t work at his parents house so he must have been out but never told me he went anywhere. He always tries to explain away the situations and at times "blames" what he does on the girl. Since I found out about his latest friend he isn‘t hiding his phone and leaves it behind if he runs to the store to prove he‘s not going leaving to make a call. Still, there‘s a lot of time when I am not around and I can‘t trust him. It seems so incredibly wrong and it has hurt me so much I can‘t stand it. He says he wouldn‘t tell me things or lie because he was afraid I would get the wrong idea but I was never jealous before this. He could go away for the weekend and I never questioned him or checked up on him. I just really want to know what other guys would think of a guy who behaves like this when he swears he loves me with all of his heart and does many good things for me. How can he be like this? why? thank you if you can give me any help or insight into what is going on although I think I already know and just need to hear from others. Despite how it looks I do not think he is cheating but I don‘t know. I hate who I have become and how I feel now because of this. He has promised to do all the things I‘ve asked to fix this and has done some but I‘m not sure about others and I‘m tired of always asking questions when he should be trying to prove it to me. Please let me know if you have any input. Thanks

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You've caught him in lies and he only admits to what you caught him at. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. Although your situation would really tempt me to contact each and every one of the girls on his phone list and pose as if it's a wrong number you dialed on your husband's phone.


I think he's a liar, a cheater, a manipulator, and not a very nice guy to be pulling this crap when he's got a baby with you and professes his undying love for you at the same time. Might even psycho if he believes his own lies. But, if you want to prove this to yourself, make sure that you tell him the next time he downplays a relationship with a girl that you insist on meeting her with your baby.

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This happens very often with many men. Relax, it's not the end of the world. It's much smaller in reality than it is in your head. ;)


How you handle it is:

1. You tell him calmly but firmly that you don't care what he talks about with his friends, but if he ever lies to you again, you won't be able to trust him so you'll walk away.


2. Let it go, it's not worth fighting over. People like tom flirt even when they are not attracted by the other person or don't intend to cheat on their SOs. :)

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Hey Record... In response to your original statement, response #2 and with all due respect, what the heck have men done to you over the years that you think this behavior is exusable?!!

Bottom line... lying is NOT OK!!

It makes me sad to hear that women are checking their s/o's cell phones and phone bills time after time. You catch them in a lie of this magnitude (i'm not trying to make this bigger than it is, but it's not like he lied about what he had for lunch), you bust him and you tell him you deserve better than that. Three strikes mister... shape up or ship out (lame, sorry! but you get what i mean). I'm a big proponent of communication (thank you professor obvious right?)... if you haven't made your feeling clear, now is way past the time to do that. Be mature, think it out, be careful with the ultimatums, stick to your guns... if you say you're going to leave if it happens again, be prepared to leave.

Good luck to you... I look forward to reading about how you're doing.

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