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Radiation's guide to the psychological warfare behind breaking up & reconciliation


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Thanx Rio, your post does help. It certainly wasn't wasted time!You are right, i think 'NC Lite' (as you put it) does require alot of emotional and physical effort. Despite all this effort, it may not have the end result you so hope for. It also does give false hope and holds back the healing progress. Until one lets go of hope, there can be no recovery. Your post reiterates this... and i think its important that is reiterated.


Im glad i came across your post Rio. I've been doing quite well with strict NC, however, recently i've had a change of thought. Each day it feels like im losing him even more. I was considering keeping in touch with my ex, while he gets whatever it is out of his system (which is what he wanted). In reality i'll just be waiting for that second chance and no doubt i will be suffering throughout the process. Your post has put me back on track. Thank you :)

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And what's with NEVER approaching a woman? BIG mistake!



Oh bulls***. :lmao:


Quitting the approaching women garbage was the best move I made. Simple - the good and HEALTHY ones will recognise a good man and they won't be afraid to approach. Besides, guys like me don't have to worry about rejection. :)

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Well here I am again. Ever since I've been broken up with my ex I've had 2 women who have shown interest in dating me but I've since pulled back and declined. To be real honest I'm growing to not like women anymore. I'm no longer giving out my contact information such as phone number or e-mail. No I'm not gay. I've grown to pretty much dislike the human race altogether.


My pet dogs are about the only ones who give me comfort when I'm lonely. They know how to comfort me when I'm sad. I just don't like people anymore! I'm not a real people person. This doesn't mean I don't help people.


One of the reasons I'm here is to help those who want a 2nd chance with their ex. That's about all I'm good for on this site. I may not like you but I'm still willing to help anyway I can. Liking or disliking are emotions. Love & hate are not emotions.

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Radiation, are you sure you're not a therapist? That was awesome and really helped a brother out. Good work!


Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm not a therapist. I'm just somebody who gives my insight on break ups and try to help others get their 2nd chance. I just tell it as I see it.

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Well here I am again. Ever since I've been broken up with my ex I've had 2 women who have shown interest in dating me but I've since pulled back and declined. To be real honest I'm growing to not like women anymore. I'm no longer giving out my contact information such as phone number or e-mail. No I'm not gay. I've grown to pretty much dislike the human race altogether.


I've become the same way. If I wasn't in a relationship I would decline all approaches from women. Most women aren't worth the hassle anyway. :)

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