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Push Comes to Shove

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Push Comes to Shove

I was wondering how you go about the internet dating services. I found somebody I liked on one site, became a member, created a profile with a picture and replied to her.


I've exchanged emails with this young woman, we both have things in common, both are single, both exchanged pictures, both live within about 40 minutes within one another. Which, I work about an hour away from where I live, so that is difinitely close for me. Anyway, What do I do for the next step, do i ask her for her phone number, ask to hang out sometime, I'm new with the internet dating sites, really not sure how they work, thanks,



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Suggest that the two of you meet up in a non-treatening environment. Perhaps you could suggest that you meet up for coffee...


Or, use your imagination. Personally, one of the things that I have to do this week is to buy a birthday present for my 1-yr. old godson. During the course of e-mailing her, I would somehow suggest that I had no idea what a good gift would be. She'd respond with a few suggestions, and I'd suggest that perhaps she might like to meet me at the mall (or wherever) to go shopping for this particular present. I'd suggest that we MEET UP THERE, so as to avoid the potential awkward situation that could arise if she is particularly conservative, and would like to get to know a guy before being alone with him in a car. Then the ball is in her court, and she can suggest that you pick her up, if she is so inclined.


I'm sure you can think of something smooth along these lines. The key is to make it seem natural...don't "structure" it too much. Don't ask her "maybe we should finally meet in person," or something like that. The whole concept of Internet dating, from my experience is intrinsically as structured as I would like it to be as it is.


Chances are, she's waiting for you to make the move, anyway...do it gently and smoothly.


Then...let us know what happens. Good luck. Sounds like things are going just nicely.



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I've used the internet personals off and on for a couple years now.


For me, before I'd even consider meeting someone in person, I'd want to talk to them on the phone.....see how the conversation goes, see if there might be a connection (emailing back and forth in emails/chat rooms, etc, is really not a good indicator, I don't think, of how two people will get along, etc). Next time you're emailing, just ask if she'd ever like to talk on the phone instead of mailing....just make a joke about how you're getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from all the typing LOL....then see how she responds. Just assure her that you're not trying to rush things...cuz I can tell you, there's nothing more of a turn off (to me) than a guy who's too pushy.



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