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what is he thinking?

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my ex and i were married in 1991, had a child in 1996, and divorced in 1999. he always worked and was never home, we constantly argued, and money was an issue. i turned my attention to another person, a woman. we called it off six months after my divorce. i began dating another woman in 2000 and broke it off this year. i am just not feeling the lesbian stuff. i think i was totally confused and make a huge mistake. my ex remarried and divorced two times since 2000. he is now getting ready to marry again for the fourth time next week. it is his fiance's third marriage. i told him of easter that i loved him and he said the same. confusing. he has never said that since our divorce. i told him two days ago how i felt about him, loved him and all that. he didn't say much. he said he didn't want to go backwards only forwards. makes no sense to me but i told him that we married at age 20 we are now 35. we both have grown and matured. my thought process is totally different now. i told him that if this new marriage didn't work out i would like to try again. again, no response. nothing. what the heck is he thinking??

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