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Is he still interested?

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Wow, this is difficult for me to put into writing, but I have no one I can talk to about this. First, I am a happily married woman. This is new territory.


Years ago, I went on my first date with a guy I'll call "Tom". He was a few years older than me and I was so taken with him. He ended up breaking my heart in the end.


I have never been so influenced by a man in my life as I was with him.


I eventually ended up with another guy, Chris, who I became quite close to. He was a wonderful boyfriend, but I found out he cheated on me. We got back together and we were very close. At a party, back came "Tom" into my life again. I was thrilled to "bump" into him, but played it cool. As the night went on he stayed with me and told me he never forgot me and was so sorry that he hurt me. I kissed him and didn't go further than that.


Tom was calling my house (at the time I lived with my parents) quite a bit, but I didn't know this until years later...my mom told me they hid the fact from me that he was calling. They knew he hurt me so in the past, and wanted me to stay with my boyfriend Chris. When I finally got a call from him I told him I'm dating someone who is a better match for me.


Well, he wound up dating one of my best friends...I was invited to a party she threw (I went with my boyfriend) and saw him and he was outwardly rude to me and I just gave it back. He was not subtle. As time passed, he and my friend became serious and each time we'd get together with them he was very rude to Chris....knowing he was the one I chose over him??? I don't know, but he would make fun of him. This caused a strain on my friend's and my relationship and we grew apart.


Well, Tom and my friend got married and Chris and I got married. We went off in our own separate ways and made families.


Ten years later I'm now back close to my friend. Tom and I are civil to each other. Now, I have just started working at a business he opened up. We are finally talking again. It's awkward, but exciting. I have to say my feelings for him are very strong, but I am trying to act differently. He seems to wait until we are alone to talk, and then he is talking the whole time to me. He's bringing up some old times. He's seeming to make excuses to come in the area I'm workking in. But when anyone else is around this stops.


What's going on??

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