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premature troubles...

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My boyfriend ejaculates prematurely during sex almost every time. I mean like in 30 seconds or less. I feel like I have tried everything, the remedy this, with no changes. It only takes me 5 or 10 minutes at the most to get to orgasm, which in all my other sexuall experiences would constitue as a quickie. It's been a year and a half, and I've run out of ideas and am finding myself less and less sexually attracted to him all the time. :( I'd leave, but this guy is the one for me in every other way. We're engaged and I want to be with him forever, what else can I do to help fix the sex? How can I go back to wanting it, when it sucks so much? Ideas anyone?

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There are many resources on this subject available on the Internet. Read as much as you can about it before approaching him about it. Educate yourself first, then try to get your boyfriend to do the same. There is a very good chance you and he can overcome this problem with some help and guidance.


Click here for an article at Thrive OnLine.


Click here for a Google listing of "about 30,100" webpages on the subject.

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Maybe you need to try a different approach then? I would say do some research on the subject like Ed suggested, but in the meantime try more foreplay, and don't expect "quickies". Get him to use his hands/mouth/etc to get you an orgasm before you engage in sex, then there won't be anywhere near as much pressure on him to perform, which may be a large factor in this. Many cases of premature ejaculation are purely psychological because of the stress and worrying the guy goes through wondering if he's good enough, but it could also be a physical problem for which he would have to see a doctor.

My boyfriend ejaculates prematurely during sex almost every time. I mean like in 30 seconds or less. I feel like I have tried everything, the remedy this, with no changes. It only takes me 5 or 10 minutes at the most to get to orgasm, which in all my other sexuall experiences would constitue as a quickie. It's been a year and a half, and I've run out of ideas and am finding myself less and less sexually attracted to him all the time. :( I'd leave, but this guy is the one for me in every other way. We're engaged and I want to be with him forever, what else can I do to help fix the sex? How can I go back to wanting it, when it sucks so much? Ideas anyone?
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