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Does She really love me

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Hi, I am confused and would apprecaite an answer from females. I am from an asian country, living in london 4 years, but my fiance is from India. She's a beautiful, decent, lovely girl, we have a long distance relationship, we talk 2 hrs daily on the phone, and deciding to marry soon, till June 06. She cares about me very much, but at times she's a bit rude or put it another way, she says exactly what's in her heart and that which is true, without thinking how it would make me feel. For example, when talking about what she likes in men, she would say I like dark men, while i am fair, and stuff like that she likes a particular actor that doesn't resemble me at all. She's a bit shy, and doesn't say I love you as many times as many times as I say her. If I say it a hundred times, I will hear it back once. It's like that.


Since this is going to be an arranged marriage, I was re-thinking whether there is a way anyone can tell if she really really likes me. She says she does, she says she's crazy about me and stuff, but deep down inside me I don't feel like she's saying the truth because she doesn't say it with feelings and take a bit time and think before she says it. I think she's lying, because she's afraid that if she leaves me, she may not find as good a man as me, or maybe her parents would get very upset (u know, we asians are crazy in these situations). And maybe who knows she's marrying me because of my money.



Now, last night when I called her, I asked her I am feeling am bit upset of knowing what you like in men and those qualities do not add up in me, and deep down I feel that she don't really love me, so please let me know if you really want to spend your whole life with me or not. Because I love you too much, but I can't continue to love you if I don't get something back. Then she told me that, if that is the case, then think and then re-think about it till tomorrow and let me know your decision about whether we should marry or not, because I don't want to be with someone who's sensitive over things like this, he may leave me after marriage on small fights.


But yes, I think I was overly sensitive, but whenever you question a man's ego, saying things he don't want to hear, he gets violent, that part she doesn't understand. I mean other girls I have talked with always speak like yes-u-r-right, yes-u-r-right, then why is she so different. I love her very much, extremely, but I hate to admit that she may not be loving me as much as I do.


What to do?

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