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not sure what she is thinking...

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Hi im not sure if this is the right place for the thread,


But here goes anyway. Im realy intrested in this girl we have been out 5 times so im guessing she likes me right, or she woudnt come out with me, but when i hug her she seems to frezze and also its hard to get a conversation from her its always me pushing the convo on and its damn hard when u only get yes no answers most of the time. so this makes me think she does not like me.. but then we do kiss at the end of everytime seeing each other and we arrange to see each other again. its very confusing becuase im so sure she likes me but when she frezzes on me i get confused. at first i fought it was that she is shy but after going out 5 times surely she would not be shy still. I have spoken to her about it and i said i need to know if u like me becuase im wasteing my time if not. and she replys with "why do u think i dont like u, I just want to take things slow get to know people" which is fair enough takeing it slow but i just get confused if she likes me.....


Sorry to bother everyone with all that, i hope it makes sense and be cool if i could get a reply from someone with some advise thanks :p



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