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Parents in Relationship


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I have been with my girlfrined for only 3 months I know it is a small time but I am not impressed on how her mom has been putting in her oppion on everything that I do. Example I was asked to give a person who had been drinking a large amount a ride home so I did which made me late for picking up my girlfriend and I told her why and her mom, today starts on that I was late and I was just lying and that about blow my stack there well I had promised my girlfriend that I was going to do volunteer work with her tonight and I did which we could have watched the Hockey game live that I didn't and left and also on the ride home she suggested going bowling and I just went to her house said good bye and left and while I said good bye she was upset I was still kind of p.o.ed about what her mom had said and was not in the mood to hear her mom nor even go out and i am wondering if I did the right thing?????

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Try not to make your girlfriend upset because you are mad at her mom. It's not your girlfriend's fault that her mom is being unpleasant with you. I think that your girlfriend's mom is mad that you were late and that made your girlfriend upset. You have to understand that parents don't like seeing their children upset. Yes, her mom is being a little jerky with you, but really, is it a big deal? You're not going out with your girlfriend's mom. Does your girlfriend think that you lied? Was your girlfriend mad at you? If not, then I don't think that you have anything to worry about. Yes, your girlfriend has to live with her mom and has to listen to her and deal with her (more than you have to) but that's her problem. It may be yours too but what matters is how your girlfriend feels about you, not her mom. It makes you mad that her mom said those things, but blow them off, it doesn't matter what she said. It'll make things easier for you and your relationship with your girlfriend that way.

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