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More Than a F*** Buddy?

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Pisces obviously likes casual sex hahahhaa (except I dont)


How are you girls getting on?


I am fine now - I dont even think about him anymore


I have met this guy who is wonderful so far .... He talks to me and treats me like I deserve to be treated!


It has made me realise what dating SHOULD be about!

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ok how many of your FWB were Aries? Since we're on the subject of Pisces.

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hahahaha....man you all are killing me!


And Lishy I hear ya...It's been A LONG TIME since I've even spoken to this dude...I've moved way passed him...taken a vow of celibacy...but I guess now having wishful thinking about my ex and I getting back together (hence my recent "soul mates" entry)...hoping all works out for the best, cause I sure do miss him. Starting to understand the idea of a FWB is ONLY a cover-up for unfinished business and love with my ex...an invisible second chance can do that to a person :( Well hopefully...things can work out for the best...wish me luck!!

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I have read this whole thread and I am really intrigued as I am a newby to thi2 casual relationship thign...never done it before...DONT think I will do it again. I have feelings already and he is being a real childish person...he is 42 mind you. So different when we are together. Holding hands and great in bed. I told him If im going to do this I want respect, but I guess Im not really worth it Hey?

And guess what I am a Pisces as well, after reading all this I just feel like crying...sorry just had to have my say.

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My advice is to get out now hon!


Seriously, it just gets worse and the respct gets less and less until in the end you feel as if he is doing you a favour by coming over and screwing you!


Not good!

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I have read this whole thread and I am really intrigued as I am a newby to thi2 casual relationship thign...never done it before...DONT think I will do it again. I have feelings already and he is being a real childish person...he is 42 mind you. So different when we are together. Holding hands and great in bed.


Since you've been reading, I think you have a good idea of what you should do.


I told him If im going to do this I want respect, but I guess Im not really worth it Hey?


Maybe not worth it to him, but who says he has very good judgement. He may very well not be worth your time.


And guess what I am a Pisces as well,


Since I actively dislike astrology, just wanted to say I'm not a pisces, and I think the pisces thing is only a coincidence.


after reading all this I just feel like crying...sorry just had to have my say.


Don't cry. If he's not willing to show you the respect you deserve, he's not worth your tears.

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wow...I never knew this whole thread would blow up quite like this...but I'm SOOOO glad that its touching lives....glad I could help...and Im sure all the other women in here are glad to have helped you understand...

I agree with Lishy (again :D ) ...get out while u still can...before you start losing things you've invested ur whole life into...it's hard to go through the process...it's hard to turn down a man you've tied emotions AND sex into--and realize he doesn't really tie emotions to the same sex the both of you have...but please remember to be strong, and that no matter how beautiful a woman is...and no matter how much SHE knows and anyone else around her knows she's a "good catch"...most men would sleep with a complete ditz...or a brainiac...an ugly woman or a broadway beauty...most only see one thing.

But please be careful...and don't feel afraid to come back and update us :)

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