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Two things needing an answer

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I have two questions/observations...


1) Has anyone else had the experience where you really like someone, so much that you're really selective about how you act around them... so much so that you sometimes find yourself avoiding them so you don't appear clingy/desperate?


Whereas, if it was any old person you'd be normal and have no reservations about going up to them randomly and chatting?


I know that I do this, and i've seen this behaviour in someone i'm interested in - like he will seek me out, but sort of in this really indirect way... as if we're pretending everytime we speak that it's an accident, when really internally we're both overanalysing the approach?! I guess these are what people might call "mind games"


2) I've heard it suggested that in every relationship one person is always infatuated and the other content. When I heard this I automatically applied it to my last relationship, where I think my boyfriend was the one who loved me more than I loved him. I felt awful breaking up with him and I can't imagine what it would feel like to know you loved someone more than they loved you.... but are there stories of relationships where both people loved eachother equally?

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1) Probably happens when for whatever reason you are slightly intimidated. One guy I dated so intimidated me that I threw up after our first few dates. Attractive.;)


2) Those uneven relationships happen all the time and my guess is those are the ones that don't work out. And by that I mean always one sided-one person always more emotionally invested.

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