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Should i move on??

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Hi this is my first post, im not to sure wat type of response im going to get but ive been looking at other posts and u all seem fair.


Here goes, Me and this girl has been seeing each other for a little over a month now(seeing each other i mean been out together 7 times). Now i realy like her seriously starting to like her actually.


I know ur thinking ok wats the problem she likes u or she woudnt carry on seeing u but everytime im with her, it is hard to get a convo sometimes and its like she gives me the cold shoulder sometimes but she lets me hug her and after everynight we kiss and cuddle and arrange to see each other.


Im still felling as thow she dont like me so i did ask her but all i get from her is "what makes u think i dont like u?" and "I just want to take my time and get to know u". All im trying to ask from u people is give ur opinion on should i move on or wait till she is ready for a relationship or do u think she is going to go somewhere else?




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