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Age and Religion differences...

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I am in love with a guy who is 21 years older than me .We do have many difference such as culture ( he is white american and I am Asian ), Religion (he is Jewish and I am Muslim ) etc.He wants to settle down and I do too , We haven't met yet .But he wants to meet me and he wants to have sex with me in the first date .It makes me scared because my value doesn't support it and he knows it very well .He is big time mad at me .I love him like hell but I don't want to have premarital sex.What should I do ? have any suggestions ?How can I make him respect my values? He says..he is a man not a boy,he can't waste his time like this .

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Girl, love can make us do foolish things! uess what, u need to stand for your religious values. Any man who disregards something that u feel so strongly about does not really care for u!

I had an egyptian boyfriend who i met online..he was muslim. I am Christian. He expected me to stop working, have babies and become a muslim. I was like WHAT!!! Those were the conditions for our continued relationship. I umped him quick.

Next I met a Kuwaiti muslim. He wanted to visit me and wanted to have sex as soon as he got here. I realized that he really did not care about me.

I think your guy is only excited about the idea of meeting someone online and having sex with them. What happens to u if u have sex with him and he does not marry u??? According to muslim religion a woman must be a virgin on her wedding night. What man will want u then? And even if u fool your husband how will u feel about yourself? U will feel USED!

Here's what to do, tell your american guy how u feel. Tell him that u do not want to have sex until marriage and see how he reacts. If he gets upset or tries to convince u to go against your wishes then u KNOW he is only intersted in SEX!


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Stand firm in your beliefs my dear!If a man really loves u and cares about you one of his major concerns will be your FEELINGS. So if u tell this guy that u do not want to have sex before marriage and he still insists that u must, I don't think he is very concerned about you. I know the muslim religion. Women must be virgins on their wedding night or face disgrace and rejection. Tell me, what will u do if u meet this boyfriend of yours and hae sex with him on the first day and the he does not marry you? How will u face yourself and your family? If u will have sex with him before marriage just be sure it's what u want. There is no going back on that one.

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All that and more. Since you've never met in person you may be in infatuation with who and what you think he is and my best guess is that he's in lust with you (younger, exotic, etc.) but it's NOT love.


I think he's just looking for a booty call and I'd bet my bottom dollar you're just one of many he's manking that demand of.


What an insufferably selfish, self-serving, arrogant, controlling jerk!


You can do better and are worth so much more.


Edited to add: His demand of sex before marriage is the antithesis of what his religion preaches. What does that tell you about his lack of character and integrity?

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Religion (he is Jewish and I am Muslim )

that's not a good combination. at least in today's geo-political world.

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I am in love with a guy who is 21 years older than me .We do have many difference such as culture ( he is white american and I am Asian ), Religion (he is Jewish and I am Muslim ) etc.He wants to settle down and I do too , We haven't met yet .But he wants to meet me and he wants to have sex with me in the first date .It makes me scared because my value doesn't support it and he knows it very well .He is big time mad at me .I love him like hell but I don't want to have premarital sex.What should I do ? have any suggestions ?How can I make him respect my values? He says..he is a man not a boy,he can't waste his time like this .


The fact that he is pusing for sex and has not even met you sends red flags out ! He should concerned about getting to know you and spending lots of time with you and at some point, when you are both ready and it feels right , it will happen.


This sounds like the ol' Internet right ? He is thinking of you in a sexual way and is pissed he isn't going to be getting any up front. These relationships crash and burn rather quickly.


This is a fantasy situation. How much percentage of the time since you talked has he mentioned sex ? Its rather creepy that a stranger ( and thats what he is ) wants to pork you . Lets be honest here. He is looking for sex. Period.


The relationship thing is a dangle in front of you . You want comittment. He wants to get Laid. Simple.


Tell him you need to spend at least 3 to 6 months going out before you will consider sex. I don't always recommend this but lets see if he is just looking for the hoochie coochie dance...and watch him dissapear....he is likely talking to other girls ....its just a feeling....I have...guy instinct.

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The fact that he is pusing for sex and has not even met you sends red flags out ! He should concerned about getting to know you and spending lots of time with you and at some point, when you are both ready and it feels right , it will happen.


This sounds like the ol' Internet right ? He is thinking of you in a sexual way and is pissed he isn't going to be getting any up front. These relationships crash and burn rather quickly.


This is a fantasy situation. How much percentage of the time since you talked has he mentioned sex ? Its rather creepy that a stranger ( and thats what he is ) wants to pork you . Lets be honest here. He is looking for sex. Period.


The relationship thing is a dangle in front of you . You want comittment. He wants to get Laid. Simple.


Tell him you need to spend at least 3 to 6 months going out before you will consider sex. I don't always recommend this but lets see if he is just looking for the hoochie coochie dance...and watch him dissapear....he is likely talking to other girls ....its just a feeling....I have...guy instinct.


Er ..I meant to say *Gut instinct*....not guy instinct....I'm a woman , lol

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How old is he? if hes an older guy and not a boy, he wud understand more and be more concern for u than a young punk with high tetesterone would. And if sex is all he want, that is not love. He will be willing to wait cuz true love, is not MERELY sex. and how hes gonna marry you, is he gonna convert to yr religion? have he told u that? i dont know if this true, but I heard older guy is more difficult to change faiths. Younger men is easier cuz they re more open minded.


Im in a relationship with someone outside of my religion too but he has never force me to do what I cant or wont do.

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burning 4 revenge

The hottest thing I ever saw when I was at a local strip club Cheetah and I paid this little girl from Morocco to make out this slut from Boca Raton. I remember saying it was a peace accord and some people at the bar applauded and some guy shouted 'why can't Sharon and Arafat get along like this'. Then I got a simultanous lap dance with both of them and wasted a lot of money. I remember the Jewish girl had a Star of David tatoo on her lower back and it was sexy as f***.


The Moroccan girl said she was still a Muslim at heart. When she travels back to her homeland she puts on the burka and everything....... If daddy only knew. Someone would lose their head. It's okay, that wasn't her best part anyway.

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burning 4 revenge
You haven't met yet! Dump him. All he wants is sex. Are you under 18? Maybe he's a pedophile.


I agree, there's something creepy about this thread. He sounds like an a**h***

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The hottest thing I ever saw when I was at a local strip club Cheetah and I paid this little girl from Morocco to make out this slut from Boca Raton. I remember saying it was a peace accord and some people at the bar applauded and some guy shouted 'why can't Sharon and Arafat get along like this'. Then I got a simultanous lap dance with both of them and wasted a lot of money. I remember the Jewish girl had a Star of David tatoo on her lower back and it was sexy as f***.


The Moroccan girl said she was still a Muslim at heart. When she travels back to her homeland she puts on the burka and everything....... If daddy only knew. Someone would lose their head. It's okay, that wasn't her best part anyway.


Boca Raton, Florida ?

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