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SOOOO HURT :<( please help :<(


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i recently asked out a gur from my work. on wednesday i told him to call me on friday. i knew that he'd be helping his dad move into his apartment.friday night comes, he doesn't call, so i go out with my friends. saturday at work he's there, for about an hour that i'm there, he doesn't say very much to me, not to mention not a word about why he didn't call. i'm too hurt to even ask him. i thought i noticed some people going over to him and whispering or looking at me funny and briefly thought to myself:they must be talking about me, but i usually say that and it turns out people never are. well, i should have went with my instincts and realized that everyone at work knew. turns out that he told everyone that i wanted him, kind of in a joking/bragging way. i don't understand why he did this, or how to act around him or what to say. do i be a bitch? do i go back to flirting? do i ignore him? all i want from him is 2 things: 1.to know why he did this 2.to make him feel bad or make him feel SOMETHING for what happened. please help me,i'm driving myself insane thinking about it all the time!!!!!!!!!!

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guys i really need ur help on this one. i so sad, it's really all i can think about. I've asked my friends, and they sound like broken records: daryl,ur better off without him or, he's a jerk if he doesn't want you. I need people who don't know me to help me.

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guys i really need ur help on this one. i so sad, it's really all i can think about. I've asked my friends, and they sound like broken records: daryl,ur better off without him or, he's a jerk if he doesn't want you. I need people who don't know me to help me.

I'm sorry but I agree with your friends advice. There is no point pining over a guy who makes jokes and brags about you and your relationship with him. He doesn't respect you as a person and will not give you the respect you deserve if you start a relationship with him. His behavior is obviously immature. My advice it to ignore him, he obviously isn't worth pursuing.


In your search for why he did it you don't have many options. You can ask him or his friends about it but they will probably lie or continue making fun of you to your face. You are better off realizing that he probably just didn't know how to react when you asked him out and changed his mind by Friday. Then in an attempt to make you look bad and protect himself, he jokes about it. Stop him from getting any more pleasure out of your pain, ignore him.


I hope that helps,



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