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Why do I do stupid thing?

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I sit here, depressed, feeling like an idiot because well.. I am stupid. I do stupid crap, I don't intend doing stupid things but I do and usually gets me into trouble every now and then.


For example. Today I went to work an hour early, I was called in, and usually to avoid costing the place money I don't work much overtime. Also for today I had something planned with my brother, in which I rarely do anything with so this was great.. go in at 4 and get off what.. about 9? That'd place me at the same hours I normally work on any given day monday - friday.


Perfect, works for me. I go in at 3, go out and do my job and get back in about ohh.. 6:45. I had something I had to go do for the job which was quite a ways away. I explained to my co-worker that it was fine, but I said "I really had something I had to do tonight", he was like "ok, you'll be done by 9".


So I go and do it and all, I call in and that was that. Well, since I did what I was suppose to and I had that earlier conversation with my coworker and I came in an hour early and there was nothing else for me to do so I headed on home.


I got home, got ready and went out with my brother. So now here is my issue, on my pager is a message that says everyone is worried sick about me because I never went back, I went home and to call in. Then on my caller ID I see that both the place I worked for had called and to top that off my boss had called. My heart sunk, I just know I'm in deep s**t.


I'm stupid, I feel stupid, I feel that this whole thing woulda never happened if I flat out said "I need to be off at 9, I came in an hour early and I have something planned" or perhaps I should of told them, once I let them aware my job was done that I was going home.


Am I in the wrong, should I feel stupid? Should I suggest that rather than being my babysitter that they need to be coworkers? I feel that they treat me like a baby, I am an adult and I can handle myself and don't need a big brother/big sister looking out for me. If something were to seriously happen to me, don't they know they would of been called.. afterall I am driving a vechile with the logo planted all over it.


But what's really got me furious is they called MY BOSS!!!!!!!!! Now I feel as if I'm going to lose my job, I was recently in hot water with my boss and suspended of some stupid thing and I am now scared I'm going to lose my job.


I can't get no sleep, it's 2:16 and I'm just horrified and really really depressed. I had a grandpa that died the 23rd of this month, I believe date might be off, and I just had another step grandpa die yesterday (wednesday) and right now I really really really really really do not want to have to fear of losing my job.


My head is hurting right now because this is my job, my career and I don't want to lose it because if I do then all my happiness will be taken away from me and crushed. HELP HELP HELp.. any advice.

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If your happiness in this world is contingent upon you having this particular job, you are in critical condition. What if the company goes out of business? You may need a job but you don't need any particular job.


Try to do a better job of communicating with the right people. The personnel to notify if you're not coming back into work is your immediate supervior and any other persons you answer to. They are the one's that count.


I don't think you're stupid...I just don't think you spend enough time pondering your actions and their consequences before taking them.


Instead of making this post, you should have made a bee-line for your boss and explained this whole situation in detail. If it resulted in you're being fired...you deserved that. But there are many other jobs to be had and you will have learned an important lesson.


I don't think you will be terminated, however.

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