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Does this girl like me?

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Sorry for the longish post, but THANKS to anyone who has time to help a 21 old man with a girl problem!


There is this girl who is a sorority sister of one of my good friends from high school. Now, the girl i was friends with from high school is VERY protective over my group of guy friends that go to the same college (she even told her sorority sisters which one of us were off limits, not me to my knowledge).


But, bottom line is this girl i like is kinda flirty with everyone, but the past 2 times we hung out all together, when I look at her and talk to her she kinda of does this little smile the whole time (i catch myself doing the same thing) im talking, and kinda smiling with her eyes too. I am the type of guy that likes to "pick on" girls a little bit (nothing too harsh) , and whenever i do she acts sad and gives me a puppy frown.


The other night, though, I felt like she may have been trying to be in different rooms than me. But she was still doing the smile and smiling with her eyes. I feel like maybe the combination of my friend from high school pressuring them not to hook up with any of my friends and the fact that 2 of her long time ex-bf's are getting married soon(shes upset abt it) may be leading her to not even try to get involved with me or anyone.


When i touch her, or put my hand around her she never pulls away, but she never initiates the touch, either. She does with my other friends though. But last night we were playing beer pong and I held her hand when she brushed it by me for about 2 seconds and she didnt pull away, i was the one to release, because i didnt want her to feel awkward.


Can someone help me get a read on this situation? Again sorry for the long post but i need some wisdom! im ussually really good at sensing if someone likes me but this one is hard.


I cant just ask her bc its a delicate situation since we hang out with this group of girls a lot and I wouldn't want to make things wierd.

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