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I met a great girl (with a boyfriend)

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I found this forum after searching for some advice about an experience I had this weekend with a girl whom I knew vaguely (she is a friend of a friend). I went out of town to meet up with some friends. Well she was with a group of people that met up with my friends and we began flirting. We were drunk and some innocent hand holding and light kissing happened. I asked her if she was single and she said no and that he was out of town for the weekend. Ouch. I'm not a home-wrecker so I distanced myself from the situation. However, that was the only time ALL weekend that she mentioned him (and not even by name). I pretty much chalked it up to two people being drunk. However, the flirting continued through the next day. We were set to go out Saturday night when she said that she might come with us but had to rearrange her schedule to do so. She did so and came out with our group. Well the same flirting happened but this time she was 100% sober. Evidently my attraction for her was obvious as her roommate (and one of my good friends) asked if I "liked her". I told her that I really did and how it was unfortunate that she had a boyfriend. She gave me the "well you two would be perfect for each other." We left the bar and the night ended with this girl and I talking late into the night.


Normally, I would let this go but something was different about her. I am very attracted to her physically but even moreso I love her personality. And I think she was into me or she put on a really good act. I really want to pursue this but maybe I shouldn't. #1: Again, I'm not a home-wrecker. #2: I understand that if she would be willing to leave him, she could do the same to me. However, something was different. I haven't felt this way about someone in a while. Should I confide in my good friend (her roommate)? My guess is that she already told her that I liked her. I have no idea if her and her boyfriend's relationship solid, rocky, etc?


I have thought about it/her all day and think that I may just sit back and see what happens. If she contacts me or her roommate tells me anything, I will take that as a good sign. If not, I can just move on (even though that's not what I want).


Any advice/suggestions???

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